2 Turkish bosses flee Xamar after sexual annihilation of Xaliimos (I knew Turks were there 4 som'ng)

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it seems to me every nation and organization that claim to bring aid and alleviate poverty bring nothing more than rape, rape and more rape to somalia and somali women.

There is gotta be a better solution than sticking our hands out.
why would they reveal themselves, they got away with crime.

So other women who may have been raped can come forward. They would have other victims since the men allegedly said the below quote and thought they were free to do as they wished.

"Her boss boasted that he had links with the police and intelligence services".

This could have been a story made up by that website. Somali journalists are bigger liars and more corrupt than the politicians. You can give them $50 and they will print a fake story.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
So other women who may have been raped can come forward. They would have other victims since the men allegedly said the below quote and thought they were free to do as they wished.

"Her boss boasted that he had links with the police and intelligence services".

This could have been a story made up by that website. Somali journalists are bigger liars and more corrupt than the politicians. You can give them $50 and they will print a fake story.

You want a Somali woman living IN Somalia to reveal that she was gang raped? Do you not consider the implications and consequences for her? This is Somalia we're talking about. She will forever be seen as a victim, may never get married and some will find a way to blame her for being raped. Not to add that the threat of police and intelligence services re-victimizing her are very real as they've done the same to other women who have come forward about rape.

From just a few years ago

Somali woman and journalist arrested for reporting rape

You want a Somali woman living IN Somalia to reveal that she was gang raped? Do you not consider the implications and consequences for her? This is Somalia we're talking about. She will forever be seen as a victim, may never get married and some will find a way to blame her for being raped. Not to add that the threat of police and intelligence services re-victimizing her are very real as they've done the same to other women who have come forward about rape.

From just a few years ago

Somali woman and journalist arrested for reporting rape


The website should have posted screenshots of the men's faces in the video the woman said she filmed during the rape.
The Dhaqan doesn’t protect women.

Our Dhaqan Xuman opens a pandora box where countries and organization can take advantage of Somalis.

When your culture is used against you, it’s time you change your mindset as a country, Gobol by Gobol, Tuulo by Tuulo.

Until Somalis can mamuul themselves, others will mamuul us.
it seems to me every nation and organization that claim to bring aid and alleviate poverty bring nothing more than rape, rape and more rape to somalia and somali women.

There is gotta be a better solution than sticking our hands out.

If we worked together to fix the country and put our hatred for each other side, horrible things like this wouldn't happen.

Somalis shouldn't trust ajnabis coming to Somalia to "help out". People come to Somalia for their own self-interests and could care less about the state of the country. Never trust anyone.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe



I don’t understand what’s wrong with Somalis? Does she not have brothers, fathers, uncles?

These people murder government ministers and go free, but they don’t kill ajnabi rapists?

In a fucking city where millions of guns available, they can’t kill rapists???

But it’s fine to kill each other.

And of course another lander making fun of rape today, wallahi when I get my hands on one of you sick bastards who make fun of rape, I will beat you down.


The Geeljires outa understand that, in international diplomacy, there's no such a thing as free giving. The aid giver has interest from the aid recipient.

You fucking little useless motherfucker making fun of rape, I will cut you down if I met you in real life. You fucking keyboard warrior. You are nothing more than a useless bidar ridden pot belly skinny who is scared to share his views in real life in front of real men, but spends his time gossiping like naago you effeminate bastard. I mean what kind of man are you?


Every fucking day in this cursed country you hear that reer hebel is killing reer hebel over the most fucking stupid reasons but WHY aren’t they killing people who are violating their womenfolk? If you’re not protecting the honor of your women then WHAT MORE IMPORTANT REASON DO YOU HAVE TO KILL? Have you ever fucking heard of people killing rapists in this country? NO. They only shame the victims like WTF.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
According to a Somali news site, these are the two rapists

Yücel Çakır


Fatih Yilmaz


Every fucking day in this cursed country you hear that reer hebel is killing reer hebel over the most fucking stupid reasons but WHY aren’t they killing people who are violating their womenfolk? If you’re not protecting the honor of your women then WHAT MORE IMPORTANT REASON DO YOU HAVE TO KILL? Have you ever fucking heard of people killing rapists in this country? NO. They only shame the victims like WTF.
don't waste your breath. they play a pivotal role in somali women getting raped. They often mediate and set up the women.
But dare I drink from a cholera infested barkad that belongs to some niggas and I am a goner.
Somali men are dayuus to the max limit.
Every fucking day in this cursed country you hear that reer hebel is killing reer hebel over the most fucking stupid reasons but WHY aren’t they killing people who are violating their womenfolk? If you’re not protecting the honor of your women then WHAT MORE IMPORTANT REASON DO YOU HAVE TO KILL? Have you ever fucking heard of people killing rapists in this country? NO. They only shame the victims like WTF.
Sxb, you talking about folks who got upset and ready to cause harm to that singer who kissed his wife in public rather then these turkish/amison scum raping somali women. Most somalis waa certified retards who only have the balls to kill each other.
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