10 new ambassadors named


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Caasimada Online waxay heshay magacyada qabiilada ay ka soo kala jeedaan 10-ka Safiir ee maanta ay magacaabidooda anxisiyeen golaha wwsiirrada ee xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya.

Shan ka mid ah 10-kaan safiir waxay ka soo jeedaan beelaha Daarood, gaar ahaan Majeerteen iyo Ogaadeen, labo ka mid ah waa Mogadishu Clan, labo kale waa Dir, halka kalena waa beelaha shanaad.

Hoos ka akhriso magacyada safiirrada cusub iyo beelaha ay ka soo jeedaan:

1. Cabdicasiis Maxamuud Maxamed (Farabadane) waa Daarood Majeerteen.

2. Cali Cabdi Awaare, waa Daarood Majeerteen.

3. Cabdullaahi Maxamed Sheekh Cabdullaahi, waa Daarood Majeerteen.

4. Bashiir Xasan Xaaji, waa Daarood Sool clan.

5. Xuseen Cabdi Xalane, waa Daarood Ogaadeen.

6. Khadiija Cosoble Cali, waa Mogadishu Clan Abgaal.

7. Fathudin Cali Maxamed, waa Mogadishu Clan Xawaadle.

8. Khadra A Dualle, waa Dir Isaaq.

9. Ridwan Xirsi Maxamed, waa Dir Isaaq.

10. Cali Maxamed Abuukar (Ali Wolf), waa beelaha 5-aad Banaadiri.

Safiirradaan weli si rasmi ah looma shaacin wadamada loo kala dirayo oo ay ka howlgeli doonaan, balse maanta waxaa liiskooda la keenay shirkii golaha wasiirrada, halkaas oo lagu ansixiyey magacaabistooda.

Ra’iisul Wasaare ku-xigeenka XFS Saalax Axmed Jaamac, ayaa shir guddoomiyey kulankii maanta lagu anxisiyey safiirradaan cusub, wuxuuna sheegay inay ka howlgeli doonaan qaar kamid ah dalalka caalamka ee aan wadaagno xiriirka Diblumaasiyadeed.

Sidoo kale kulankii maanta waxaa lagu meelmariyay Habraaca Dhaqangelinta Xakameynta Hubka, Rasaasta iyo Waxyaabaha Qarxa, taas oo lagu xakameynayo dhibaatooyinka ay sababaan hubka iyo qaraxyada sida sharci darrada ah loo adeegsado.

Shirka Golaha Wasiirrada ayaa lagu soo bandhigay warbixinno la xiriira amniga guud ee dalka, dib-u-habeynta dhakhliga, xogta heshiisyada dowladda iyo cayaarahii Dowlad goboleedyada dalka oo dhawaan si guul ah ugu soo ku soo idlaaday Muqdisho.
4.5 represented in this except D&M. This is unnaceptable.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
You know how you know qabiil shouldn't be important? While you guys dissect and discuss the qabiils of these men, they probably won't do anything for their clan.
Representation is still important. Somalia is built upon 4.5 untill we move to a new system every clan must get their due representation.
Representation is still important. Somalia is built upon 4.5 untill we move to a new system every clan must get their due representation.
But they don't represent anyone but themselves. Their representation is only on paper.
That's why qabiil needs to be banned, but instead we're institutionalizing it.
Low IQ sucks.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
But they don't represent anyone but themselves. Their representation is only on paper.
That's why qabiil needs to be banned, but instead we're institutionalizing it.
Low IQ sucks.
I agree. These positions must be given based on merit not filling the quota for qabiil.
But they don't represent anyone but themselves. Their representation is only on paper.
That's why qabiil needs to be banned, but instead we're institutionalizing it.
Low IQ sucks.
Qabiil is taught back home from a young age diasporas grew up in societies with different ways of doing things it will be hard to root out
Qabiil is taught back home from a young age diasporas grew up in societies with different ways of doing things it will be hard to root out
I think we can root it out once the country becomes educated. Even though we diaspora folks with university degrees are still hanging on to this madness!

The overall point still stands, qabiil has zero benefits and causes so much destructions.

"Dugsi maleh qabyaalad waxay dumiso mooye"

It's crazy how Somali people have destroyed their country, and now are destroying the future of their children, all because of Qabiil. It's like a dystopia world where common sense doesn't exist.
Look hard enough and you will always find tribalism. The fact that people spew lies only to latter be corrected, don't you feel shame? Do anyone of them have the gall to rectify their assumptions or will they simply jump and look for another opportunity to spill their tribalist filth.


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