šŸ¤£Are all Pajeets like this?Gahhhhhhhdamn

The idea of being a superpower has gotten to their heads. This is a nation that lacks enough toilets for its citizens but they have this odd ego. Never forget that malnourished fool Gandhi wishes not for equality but rather for his race to second best after whites. He was disturbed that they treated him like a black and I think the modern day Indians are no different. They're not accomplished enough to be like the east Asians and too brown to be respected by the right wing that they love to kiss up to.
Also I work in healthcare with a lot of Indians many of them doctors and what I found out is that even with all that education they believe in the caste system which means they believe by you being black you are lower than them or white people.


Also I work in healthcare with a lot of Indians many of them doctors and what I found out is that even with all that education they believe in the caste system which means they believe by you being black you are lower than them or white people.
It's so bizarre. They themselves up hold caste in their society. I've heard stories of people in the lowest caste not being able to marry someone of a caste above or even get jobs. These people want to be a world power though.
Pajeets are taking over the world. There are two presidential candidates of Indian origin in America. There is a presidential candidate of Indian origin in Canada. The prime minister of the UK is of Indian origin. The president of Singapore is of Indian origin.

Why don't Indians contribute to the general well-being of their society? Why not fix their country? Cadaans will never see Indians as one of them despite all the futo licking they do.
Um this could be said about us most Somalis always bad talk Somalia or their own people they are always running off to some other country instead of fixing Somalia.