“How can I go into Ramadan when I keep committing sins and messing up? I’m not ready for Ramadan.”


A sister came to me in tears; she felt broken, burdened and completely unholy. “How can I go into Ramadan when I keep committing sins and messing up? I’m not ready for Ramadan.”

Ramadan is for the one constantly in the masjid as it is for the one who hasn’t come to the masjid for so long he can’t remember. It’s for the one who has been reading Quran fervently as it is for the one who can’t remember the last time she opened the Holy Book.

It isn’t a month only for those who start out so holy they never sin. It’s a month for the imperfect, for the sinners, for the struggling, for the completely shattered. It’s a month for the broken. It’s a month for me and you. It is the month of mercy and forgiveness for those who feel we don’t even deserve it - not because we are deserving of it- but because we desperately hope for it and He sees that desperation in His mercy.

So don’t think you aren’t ready, you’re not good enough, you won’t make it. Know this is the month to be forgiven, the month to be accepted, the month to return.
As you are to better than you are.

You take a step towards Him and He says:
“...And if he/she comes to Me walking, I go to him/her at speed.’” (Bukhari)

I thought I would share this inspirational quote I came across, I hope each and every one of us have a wonderful ramadan full of forgiveness :)


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