
  1. Manafesto

    NEWS Somaliland Gov Sign off Berbera port inspection services to Swiss company

    Somaliland Gov Sign off Berbera port inspection services to a private & Corrupt Swiss company who use to conspire with former Pakistan PM I was surfing the net and reading Somali news and story was an interesting one,I look up this company on google and boom,I knew...
  2. 0117

    DEVELOPING NEWS Somaliland delegation to the United States of America THREAD

    The President of Somaliland and a delegation led by him will travel to the US on Saturday. The delegation consists of cabinet members, business & members of CSO. They will travel on a Somaliland passport with a visa issued by the US Embassy in Djibouti.
  3. Manafesto

    Dumb Somaliland President Muse Bihi Doesn't know who invented the AK47

    Kulahaa Ukraine invented the AK47, most regular civilians know a Russian invented this masterpiece of a gun but of course an SNA Ex pilot Muse Jaahil doesn't know this crucial piece of informationm A famous Ukrainian proverb and saying says "a dumb leader can only dictate and lead a below...
  4. Manafesto

    An NGO in Somaliland starts campaign to break the bias women face in the criminal justice system

  5. Manafesto

    NEWS Somaliland's President Muse Bihi says the upcoming SL presidential election will be postponed
  6. Manafesto

    A Somaliland born candidate for Somalia's parliament from minorty tribes travels to Puntland to repesent his constituency

    Mashlaah, the candidate is from Yibir clana Puntland, the Gaboye clan in Somaliland, the candidate was able to travel outsids of Somaliland and to Puntland to repesent his endangered tribe. Puntand is home to democracy and a place one can say whatever they like without reprocupuctions, a place...
  7. Manafesto

    Nepotistic Muse Bihi's administration builds 3 water reserviors in his hometown region and left other regions to fend for themselves

    This triblist trash can't govern a region fairly,how could somalilanders let this sick monster get away with something like this?
  8. Woke1.4rm.Shibis

    Al shabaab takeover a district in Sanaag region Wararka naga soo gaarayo gobolka Sanaag ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in caawa fiidkii deegaanka Milxo oo ka tirsan gobolka ay la wareegeen Al-shabaab, kadib dagaal ka dhacay deegaanka, wararku waxaa ay sheegayaan in...
  9. Manafesto

    NEWS Somaliland citizens and traders want to move out to Somalia after a major drought,Inflation,high fuel prices & business manoply hit the region

    I have predicted this few months back, what is up with Somaliland and manoply? Don't they realize if you give only one company the right to import a merchandise they will definitely exploit the poor folks in the desert region and skyrocket the prices. Muse Bihi and his UAE based Bussiness...
  10. Manafesto

    Somaliland's President nepotism & Clannism at full display for nominating 8 of his clansmen as Representatives to important aid donor countries
  11. Manafesto

    "Somaliland's worst enemy is Somalia, if they gain some military power they will surely attack Somaliland"A Cuqdad ridden Lander says in an interview

    Unfortunately, the Somalilander's Cuqdad will not Vanish Anytime Soon, sad but true.
  12. Manafesto

    Life in the Lap of Luxury: Somaliland Chairman of Parliament, Other Members and Staff Charged Personal Travel Expenses to the Taxpayers($480 a day)
  13. Manafesto

    Somaliland Government Arrests Opposition Politician following a meeting he had with the Somaliland President asking him to work with the government
  14. Manafesto

    DEVELOPING NEWS Somaliland region leads other federal member states of Somalia as the most unsafe place for journalists/media to work

    Wow, What ever happen to "We are free and Democratic independent state"? Well I guess that is not the case when it comes to Journalists,media personal and opposition groups getting jailes and abused by the Muse Bihi's regime.
  15. Manafesto

    Somalia's EX Pres Farmaajo 5th year waging an economic war on Somaliland(managed to almost destory their Live stock export to the Gulf)

    It was just three weeks ago when we all heard about the 19 countries Farmaajo's failed administration has blocked Somaliland students from recieving scholarships, ileyn this was just small dent compared to the Cuqdadd laangaab leveling the Somaliland livestock to the ground,this man is sick and...
  16. Manafesto

    NEWS Somaliland region pleads to Taiwan to help them acquire their air space controll and revenues from the FGS

    Instead of going to Mogdishu to have a sit Down with their Somali FGS official the anti-Somali and Pro-foreign region choose to beg Taiwan to have their air control revenues forwarded to them lol...
  17. Manafesto

    DEVELOPING NEWS Taiwan tests it's locally produced and Internationally unrecognized Medigen Corona Vaccine on Somalilanders like a Guinea Pig

    The Taiwan locally produced Corona Vaccine hasn't received any approval anywhere in the world including Taiwan nor it has gained any confidence outside the Chinese disputed island. Let us just hope and pray the guinea pig Citizens in the Traingle desert state of Northwestern Somalia don't...
  18. Manafesto

    DEVELOPING NEWS Wadani opposition party leader accuses Somaliland’s Road Development Agency of misappropriating an estimated $1 Million of American Dollars

    Somaliland is not even ranked on the corruption index like other countries because the whole concept of Somaliland is built on corruption,nepotism and Cuqdad towards Daroods. Hence why the world don't track and recrd Somaliland corruption or repor them in their index among other...