YeniSom-the birth of pharmaceutical industry in Muqdisho


I mentioned this years ago to Puntite community to begin investment in medical warehouses. All they need to do is get the common health problems in the continent and be the warehouse that produces the medicine. I suggested this field becuz it reminds me of the 70s trucking/oil boom sector, This is an absent industry with no competitor, it would've resulted in a big trade boom for us like 'trucking n oil' was in the 70s when that sector was empty.

Anyways congratulation to mogadishu for leading the way. Our business ppl are wasting time
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@Rationale the next opportunity I want Puntites to dominate is the furniture, lounge, bedding, windows, doors. Since construction is booming, ppl will need these items and their not 'cheap' either, it's big ticket items. It's another industry I promoted to our business people to enter but none has. We keep importing all of this.

Infact they could get the govt to apply 'high tariffs' on foreign imports so ppl are forced to buy local untill the conditions are right to allow for free trade.


@Rationale the other big govt service missing is Postal. PL can create a local warehouse to store and process items. All they need to do is sign deals with international postal carriers to deliver to Puntland. From our local warehouse people can come and collect their items or even delivered becuz in garowe/bosaso/qardho the houses are numbered with street.


E Business cannot take root in PL untill delivery of item is resolved. I think they intentionally want us all tied to a few business traders who go overseas to buy items, if e-business was available, ppl just order what they want online if a reliable postal delivery existed.


@Rationale my personal investment will go to ideas only I can see that will work, is cheap, and their is no competitor I have to worry about. In PL when the dry season is about to begin, I will get huge industrial plower to cut the 'grass' and store it in a warehouse, why let it go to waste and die when u can store it away and sell it to nomads when their livestock needs food. The other thing I noticed is a lack of awareness in 'storage' sector in PL, they live day to day not thinking what to do for bad times. So I am interested in storage type of business ideas.

That factory can store those medicine for at least 2-5 years if they have the cooling facilities. In PL the richest person will be who understands how to tap into 'storage' type of ideas becuz this thinking is non existence. Same with doors/windows/furniture/bedding, these don't die and can be 'stored' in bad times and sold in good times, unlike agriculture which will expiree and force your hand to sell low, which is what all puntites are doing now. This idea of agriculture I am totalling against.

Mark my word if u find an idea noone is doing in Somalia, plus it can be stored and doesn't expire so ur hand isnt forced to sell and u decide when to sell, plus their no competitor and the market is all yours, you will be rich very rich.

I am scanning the fruit/veg market and consideringg 'cooling warehouse' and selling those ladies 'rental' space so their fruit/veg can get longer life then it does now. But im not sure, these fruit/veg industry isn't big money earner, i'll exploree it when I go to Somalia and have a chat to them about their 'revenue and cost'
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I mentioned this years ago to Puntite community to begin investment in medical warehouses. All they need to do is get the common health problems in the continent and be the warehouse that produces the medicine. I suggested this field becuz it reminds me of the 70s trucking/oil boom sector, This is an absent industry with no competitor, it would've resulted in a big trade boom for us like 'trucking n oil' was in the 70s when that sector was empty.

Anyways congratulation to mogadishu for leading the way. Our business ppl are wasting time
But your people have lower IQ than reer Mogadishu. You can't compete intellectually or economically with reer Mogadishu.


But your people have lower IQ than reer Mogadishu. You can't compete intellectually or economically with reer Mogadishu.

Wrong Mogadishu if they had High IQ would turn HS/GM into heaven not sit in the capital and use Somali ppl's name n investment. Hawiye needs the capital, it can't survive and start from scratch like reer puntland did. Inheriting a capital of somalia is easy to work with, any clan can build that dummy. But starting from scratch is much harder and only for the REAL STRONG CLANS.


Puntland waa 'Dawlad' uu dhigma New Zealand dhinaca active military(10k), plus our population is same as New Zealand 5 million. 70% however are 18-30 bracket, that's 3.5 million able bodied soldiers to pull from, if we assume 50% are males, that's 1.2 million battle ready males.

I think we also need a dedicated part-time 'reserve' to pull from quickly in the event of a conflict becuz our military is in a very dangerous location in the unstable Horn and unstable 'yemen' on the other side of the red sea with a 'jewish' base in 'socotra'. PL location is very desirable that even 'jews' want a 'piece' of it like they did with 'socotra' given to them by 'uae'.

PL location is not like GM/HS. PL is located on the entry/exit of the 'gulf', that is very 'strategic' we can cut all access corridors and effect europe/asia/horn/mid-east becuz were located at the mouth of the gulf while our indian ocean is full of oil. Illahi ayaa dhul haboon na siiyay. Maseere ku dishay @kulane. Only 'Mukallah' Yemen our mahri brothers and us have control of this corridor access.
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