I’ve read this at least 10 times and nothing
It is a comic show about a Houthi law giving Banu hashim one fifth of Yemen resources. So, this nigga is mocking Somalis for demanding his one-fifth for claiming Ahlu-baytTranslation?
?Somalis would call Arabs homosexuals, insults went both ways.
Implying I should care about some show made by a lazy jaad chewing degenerate who lacks ahklaq, with royalty free music and poorly edited laugh tracks. This is reminiscent of something low level indian youtube channels do.
This mocks Somalis in Yemen who claim to be descended from banu hashim
meanwhile we are hosting them as refugees and marrying our women to them
I told you modern somalis are lions to each other and mice to ajnabis.
meanwhile we are hosting them as refugees and marrying our women to them
It still boggles my mind how yemenis have the nerve to talk shit about Somalia when their country makes Somalia look like jannah