Word of The Day: How to say ‘treasure’ in Somali language?

How to Say ‘treasure’ in Somali language?

In Somali language, treasure is called duuggaal.

lm, duugaall.

Duug baa aallay.

/duug—gaal /

Definition: treasure
treasure is a concentration of riches, often one which is considered lost or forgotten until rediscovered." This definition also includes the idea that treasure may be hidden, buried, or concealed in some way, adding to its allure and value. The term "treasure" is often associated with the idea of adventure, exploration, and discovery, and has been a popular subject in literature, film, and other forms of popular culture. Treasure may include valuable objects such as gold, silver, jewelry, and other precious items, as well as rare or historical artifacts, and may be the subject of both real-life and fictional treasure hunts.

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