Word of The Day: How to Say ‘napkins, cloths linens and serviette’ in Somali Language?

How to Say ‘ napkins, clothlinen and serviette’ in Somali Language?

in Somali language, ‘ napkins, cloth linen and serviette’ are called Aftir.

La mid ah: santir


  1. Qaamuuska afsoomaaliga by Mansuur
  2. https://abwaanka.com/ search Aftir

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I also use xaanshi. Xaanshi could be used as a tissue or napkins, it could also mean a piece of cloth or a page of papper also called baal. I think istiraasho is made out of "is" "tir" meaning clean yourself so it'll be istir-aasho meaning cleaning material. Interesting. So we have aftir, santir and istir. Somali is an interesting language.
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