Women in politics.

This is a discussion forum. If you don’t know how to respond back with detailed sentences to prove your point other than saying “nature this, nature that”, be a silent watcher then instead of engaging with your boring statements.
Now that you got that off your chest, could you give us your opinion?
Women are communitarian while men are Hierarchical in nature. What abt that is emotional?
The fathers of Marxism: Karl Marx and

Because socialism was purely invented by men. All well known socialist/communists were men.

Another fact: All ONLY female prime ministers we had in the UK have ALL been conservative.

If it was a fact that women in politics were more left leaning then explain why in British politics every female Prime minister has been none other than from the Conservative party? At this point we can argue that looking at trends a women in PM is much more likely to be conservative simply by looking at trends. Across the sea we even have a far right racist party leader who is also a woman.

How on earth do you explain that by you limited emotional gender study waffle?
The fathers of Marxism: Karl Marx and

Because socialism was purely invented by men. All well known socialist/communists were men.

Another fact: All ONLY female prime ministers we had in the UK have ALL been conservative.

If it was a fact that women in politics were more left leaning then explain why in British politics every female Prime minister has been none other than from the Conservative party? At this point we can argue that looking at trends a women in PM is much more likely to be conservative simply by looking at trends. Across the sea we even have a far right racist party leader who is also a woman.

How on earth do you explain that by you limited emotional gender study waffle?

In a Hierarchal frame work.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Sure, why not? Preferably after we've raised the kids. I'd probably join her.

The fathers of Marxism: Karl Marx and

Because socialism was purely invented by men. All well known socialist/communists were men.

Another fact: All ONLY female prime ministers we had in the UK have ALL been conservative.

If it was a fact that women in politics were more left leaning then explain why in British politics every female Prime minister has been none other than from the Conservative party? At this point we can argue that looking at trends a women in PM is much more likely to be conservative simply by looking at trends. Across the sea we even have a far right racist party leader who is also a woman.

How on earth do you explain that by you limited emotional gender study waffle?
An extreme right-alt politician “Giorgia Meloni” leads the party “Fratelli d’Italia” in Italy, and she is among the candidates for the PM role.

In a Hierarchal frame work.
explain yourself. Marx argues in the communism manifesto in which supposedly all communist regimes are influenced by and to a smaller extent socialism that the bourgeoisie are exploring the the proletariats and that the only solution for the masses is strict equality. That is very much concepts created by men and implemented by them. From China to Russia’s Soviet Union has all been influenced by communitarian ideals. The early 20th century actually saw a good % of nations adopt that mindset some in more extreme forms and in many of the those nations women were still either banned from politics or at the very least discouraged.
Do u think she will choose politics or the marriage?
Most of them (whether men or women) enter politics at a later age when their kids grow up. Like the president of the European Union “Ursula Von der Leyden” is a mother of 7 children, and she is also a medical doctor. Anyone is a capable of anything if they can.
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بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
explain yourself. Marx argues in the communism manifesto in which supposedly all communist regimes are influenced by and to a smaller extent socialism that the bourgeoisie are exploring the the proletariats and that the only solution for the masses is strict equality. That is very much concepts created by men and implemented by them. From China to Russia’s Soviet Union has all been influenced by communitarian ideals. The early 20th century actually saw a good % of nations adopt that mindset some in more extreme forms and in many of the those nations women were still either banned from politics or at the very least discouraged.

China and the USSR were as Communist as Nazi Germany was "Socialist" or North Korea is a "People's Republic". Those movements perhaps started out, especially in Russia, with such aspirations but they were quickly hijacked by self-important opportunists like Lenin who essentially implemented "State-Capitalism". Just Capitalism but now the state owns all the private industries and runs it. Sure, they create a perhaps robust welfare state in some cases but same old tyranny with the USSR political elites mirroring a sort of Bourgeoisie.

There is no Communism in Russia

There was no proletariat owning the means of production in the USSR, no absence of money and certainly not a classless society. The closest human beings have ever come to such a society since the discovery of agriculture is, well, pre-agricultural societies:

Most of them (whether men or women) enter politics at a later age when their kids are old. Like the president of the European Union “Ursula Von der Leyden” is a mother of 7 children, and she is also a medical doctor. Anyone is a capable of anything if they do it.


The vast majority of female politicians like the men tend to be old. At that point they’ve finished birthing and raising kids and studies show that old women tend to be more conservative which probably explains why a good % of these women being either far right or simply conservative.

Also, a lot of the politicians we’ve had in the past have been married women that in some ways despite being in a male dominated political field were rather traditional. Example: Margaret Thatcher.
China and the USSR were as Communist as Nazi Germany was "Socialist" or North Korea is a "People's Republic". Those movements perhaps started out, especially in Russia, with such aspirations but they were quickly hijacked by self-important opportunists like Lenin who essentially implemented "State-Capitalism". Just Capitalism but now the state owns all the private industries and runs it. Sure, they create a perhaps robust welfare state in some cases but same old tyranny with the USSR political elites mirroring a sort of Bourgeoisie.

There is no Communism in Russia

There was no proletariat owning the means of production in the USSR, no absence of money and certainly not a classless society. The closest human beings have ever come to such a society since the discovery of agriculture is, well, pre-agricultural societies:

Yep, I know but in the beginning like most things people tend to be inspired by the concepts however, human greed gets in the way and as Russia and China has illustrated communism rarely works.

My whole point is, it is men who have created, started and tried to implement but (failed) communitarian ideals, although as you’ve pointed out have created robust welfare systems. Weird redpillers like @AllStarSaciid will have you believe that welfare is something that only women would push for. Without taking into consideration class, wealth and other factors.

concepts such as trade unionism and other socialist ideals have been fought for by working class men. It was their blood, sweat and tears as to why the UK has moved into a more socialist direction since the late 1800s.


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