Why is Future's new album trash?

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Did he take shots at drake? :hmm:

Any subliminals?


I hear from someone who works radio in ATL that future unhappy with drake and has shots for him.:rejoice:*we should do album reviews more consistently on here.
Nah I wasn't listening for anything like that. Damn their mixtape was so lit tho. Its about to be a sad day if they never release anything together ever again.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Last two years future was putting out bangers. But now he's kinda getting boring and repititive.

His new album..

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Nah I wasn't listening for anything like that. Damn their mixtape was so lit tho. Its about to be a sad day if they never release anything together ever again.
They won't :lawd: Future is really hurt because drake took young thug instead of him on his euro tour and Future was actually looking forward to going on that tour:kendrickcry: check for lines speaking on fake friends and jealousy :mjcry:


Flying over your heads
With the help of my aides Tramadol & Amnesia the flutes from Mask Off got me in a hypnosis. Before I knew it, I was Shmoney Dancing outside the door of my flat. When the song ended, albaabka baan iska furay.

However Future Vandross got outshined by Migos who locked off 2017 early.
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