Why is corruption so normalized across Africa?

I think that one of the main reasons Africa is still behind the rest of the world in terms is development is because of corruption. Most African countries have dictators or fake democracies where the head of state literally uses state resources as their personal bank account. They have no shame in it too. I was looking at pictures of some West African ministers the other day and they were decked out in all gold attire and designer watches around poor people, even Somali corrupt leaders have a bit more integrity to do that. My cousin lives in the UK and she’s friends with some Nigerians and their mutuals are Nigerian diplomats. Why do these people have private jets and basically live in the rich parts of the UK when half of their country is still in shambles?

Anyways my question is why is this behaviour so normal in Africa? Obviously corruption exists everywhere and in every country heads of state and ministers live better than the average citizen. But at least they invest in their citizens and use foreign investment to actually develop infrastructure. IOG from Djibouti has been getting hundreds of millions to develop electricity from random countries like France and Kuwait...but Djibouti is still a shithole...I feel like shit like that would not be accepted in a Western country so why is it normal in Africa?
Because Africa is philosophically deficient and morally bankrupt; Nations need philosophical, moral and ideological underpinnings in order to function properly -- and we don't have any of that in Africa.

Western Nations draw upon Greco-Roman philosophers and the philosophies of the enlightenment; and Asian Nations draw upon Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Shintoism.

In addition to philosophical, moral and ideological deficiencies...African men have unmatched levels of narcissism, greed, myopia, callousness, attention seeking, extravagance and diva-like antics; why would proper men put so much care into adorning themselves with jewellery?

Low IQ
They're western puppets
They feel no unity towards the hundreds of other ethnicities and tribes that they govern, Africa is too diverse so development is hindered because there's accusations of favoritism from rival tribes.


Minister of Propaganda
Corruption was a tool wielded by colonial powers.

If there is a grain shortage in a village, a tribal leader will happily preach the virtues of the British if it means a sack of wheat or barley. Whatever grain was left over would be sold at a high profit for the tribal leader and so the cycle continues.

When the country becomes independent, the leaders who grew up, were educated and worked in the colonial service knew nothing more than what they learnt.

You have to think about it: Where did this corruption epidemic start?
Low IQ
They're western puppets
They feel no unity towards the hundreds of other ethnicities and tribes that they govern, Africa is too diverse so development is hindered because there's accusations of favoritism from rival tribes.

Tribalism doesn't explain the complete lack of development in every region of every African 'Nation'; we should see pockets of wealth and prosperity if tribalism was at the heart of the rot.

African 'Presidents' use their tribes as a shield and give them crumbs in return.
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Corruption was a tool wielded by colonial powers.

If there is a grain shortage in a village, a tribal leader will happily preach the virtues of the British if it means a sack of wheat or barley. Whatever grain was left over would be sold at a high profit for the tribal leader and so the cycle continues.

When the country becomes independent, the leaders who grew up, were educated and worked in the colonial service knew nothing more than what they learnt.

You have to think about it: Where did this corruption epidemic start?

Asia was colonised as well and they seem to have produced a handful of incredibly wealthy, industrialised and technologically advanced Nations.

I will concede that Asia actually has real Nations whereas African 'Nation-States' are entirely artificial creations of Western powers and their self-serving tinkering.

African Nations have self-agency and they could decide to advance the interests of their people if they so desired; the consequences of standing up to imperial démodé are well documented, but African Nations are too cowardly to stand up for themselves.

No one can ride you (like a 'dameer') unless your back is bent; my own Nation is entirely responsible for the pathetic state it has found itself in since 2011.
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Minister of Propaganda
Asia was colonised as well and they seem to have produced a handful of incredibly wealthy, industrialised and technologically advanced Nations.

I will concede that Asia actually has real Nations whereas African 'Nation-States' are entirely artificial creations of Western powers and their self-serving tinkering.

African Nations have self-agency and they could decide to advance the interests of their people if they so desired; the consequences of standing up to imperial démodé are well documented, but African Nations are too cowardly to stand up for themselves.

No one can ride you (like a 'dameer') unless your back is bent; my own Nation is entirely responsible for the pathetic state it has found itself in since 2011.

I think many post-colonial Asian nations were saved from corruption because of what you said about philosophical underpinnings.

Colonialism was worse for Africa because of the lack of it.

Do not get me wrong, Somalia has itself to blame for what happened to it but we need to analyse the legacy of colonialism to make sure we do not fall into the same mistakes again.


I think many post-colonial Asian nations were saved from corruption because of what you said about philosophical underpinnings.

Colonialism was worse for Africa because of the lack of it.

Do not get me wrong, Somalia has itself to blame for what happened to it but we need to analyse the legacy of colonialism to make sure we do not fall into the same mistakes again.
indhoyars have a strict policy of obedience and are far from the west so they are less westernized even though they have a white fetish. africans are xoolo and geographically closer to the west and mostly artificial countries drawn by white men apart from somalia and arab countries.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
The leaders are in it for themselves, Africa has countries that are stacked with resources that they could use to gain wealth to build their nations up like how Saudi had a come up off of oil but with majority of the leaders there they would rather sell off those resources and land to foreigners because of the shit tons of money they get off it to put in their pockets.

They are all opportunists, Africa gets so much aid money from western countries and you'd have to be a fool not to see the finessing the leaders are doing. They could resolve half the issues if they were clean people. Nobody will say anything because these foreign powers are benefiting off their corruption, everybody knows about the corruption but why help that corrupt country when you gain benefits off it being like this. Citizens can't do nothing, coupe, attack, you'll be in a worse spot just look at Libya.


[To anyone if this is considered Tldr for you , then you can do the honours yourself ,
and no I'm not going to put any of this on a spoiler! Fyi.]]

I've explained this on several threads , why the continent is in regression. Instead of progressing forward the heads of states and the so called representatives receiving "small small" pleasantries from third parties/unknown organisations in exchange for the raw materials in demand .

I know many would say Rasta you had too much coffee,
Rasta you are spewing nonsense,
but I will give a broad example ,
The west has its nose everywhere , I believe their methods of intervention would somehow differ , they'd stage a coup or a proxy , many of these country are too lucrative for them to lose , as they cannot afford to lose sheer influences and the control they had over the stock markets , various natural resources like diamond , ore and gold.

It's the sad reality , a dog eat dog world where one cannot run his country in peace with his own laws and accordance , without being dictated by a third hand.
For example, a minister of a high position, let's assume it's the ministry of agriculture he cannot legislate protectionist laws against harmful foreign interests that can tamper the livelihood of its citizens , that minister is as useless as a smartphone without a simcard because the exploitation are happening in plain view , hence many would ask themselves why accept imported vegetables when they harvest freshly home grown vegetables instead the produce are left to rot, as it's sales in the market devalues taking thousands of people out of business meanwhile the imports cost at higher rates , if you also add the tariffs costs , the logistics costs despite their governments sharing mutual agreements of free trade, it's still unaffordable for the locals , so when asked who benefits , the locals, the politicians or the disguised foreign investors, you can get the full picture.
These are the core examples of why many leaders cannot fully govern without some sort of approval from the outside.
It's the outside influences that dictates many African countries.

It's impossible to get rid of , you defy them and you end up like Gaddafi or Sankara.

China nor Russia are also in this category no one is friendlies to us Africans first world nations because they're put in their places and constantly reminded but Africa and any other developing nation , we are played by anyone in a theater of puppet strings.

As said earlier I explained similar topic on several threads tbh
For example an operator of a foreign vessel would bribe his way into the ministry of fisheries to obtain the license for that amount of quantity , the officials deeply pocketed would turn the other way around , dismissing the pleas if local fishermen that depend on the livelihood , yet not faraway these multinational corporates disguised as legitimate companies are in motion , they have the upper hand and the leverage.

Which is why we get to see so many vigilance due to the irrelevancy of our political delinquents.
These are just the few sectors I've highlighted.

This is my point of view , many of us in Africa, living under the treacherous liable , inarticulate over-aged politicians , fed up with their daily corruptions. Ruining younger lives.

I'm glad that @Nilotic and @Periplus understand the complex dynamics.

Let these scholars explain the matter in a broader context.

I'm just basing facts from my own experiences and relatable encounters we face here.

Now if you excuse me I'll go back to playing gambit. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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In Djibouti's defence, it is the least corrupted Somali "country". Police officers don't demand a bribe but this is still Africa so it will still be welcomed but not compulsory.

But I digress, as for this topic I believe it can be summarized by "mental illness" that has been normalized on our continent.

How else would you explain this so-called "constitutional crisis" from a stupid game of musical chairs. In a country where we don't control/enforce our sovereignty on our waters/land crossings/air space. This is what I mean by mental illness.


Minister of Propaganda
Systemic corruption can happen everywhere, especially in the West.

Look at Super PACs in America or Australia's failure to have a nation-wide anti-corruption commission.

However, in the West, you have the media and constituents to answer to. Corrupt politicians know skimming off the top may go unnoticed by average person but every citizen knows that the average politician cannot afford a Lamborghini or a private jet.

In Africa, corrupt leaders do not think like this. They will happily splurge the people's money because there is no real accountability.

Back home, no one wants to question why Farmaajo will give positions and money to his relatives because they expect that when their cousin gets into power, they will do the same for them.

Politics is seen as a way to secure the wider family/clan rather than serving the people.

