Why Are Somalis Not Intelligent?


Intelligence lets define it. It's not IQ only. Or even EQ. It's you being able to absorb knowledge then using ur imagination to value add and then experience leads to your Wisdom. I rarely see Wise people among today Somalis. They existed lots in the past who would absorb the practical knowledge, value add by imagination, and then reach wisdom stage.

IQ is only how fast u can absorb knowledge, it not how creative u r with the knowledge to value-add.

It's intended to output workers due to the industrial age and factories. That's why menses high iq ppl do not value add cause they lack imagination and only just 'smart' but nothing more. Please learn knowledge, add creativity thru your imagination and value add, and then thru experience demonstrate wisdom waryaa.

Islam doesn't say Wise people among Salaheen ended duli yahow, they will always exist till judgement day. Aim to be a Salaheen in your field. Don't worry if it takes longer to learn don't aim to be 'smart' and that's it. Aim to deep learn, take ur time, then use imagination to play around with it and then apply it and develop experience/lesson learned and present yourself to the people of somalia with your WISDOM.
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Notice I Put a ? mark. Now elaborate thru discussion. This copy n monkey see monkey do isn't creative


I want Somalis to line up as 'salaheen' in all fields of innovation in the future, let me set up the foundation for them on how to reach there thru deep learning, how to open their imagination to value add and experiment, then drive them to the applying n experience stage and then line them up to provide their Wisdom of their respective field.

Do not end up just being smart and join the drones of industrialism, if u disagree with this, then fine, I will apply it anyways to my 'jifi' at schools, to unleash their 'imagination' aspect on their work and the process to do so. The naturally gifted from god are another 'donation' thru allah but we must put them into use with further knowledge cuz they tend to do best when it becomes chances of become a salih of your field.


Thank God Siyad Barre crushed the 'elite class or reero' limiting our talent resources to themselves, Thru communism he unleashed a 'merit based' system and expanded it universally, doontasi tagtay yaan loo noqon sheekadi hore ee 60-69 which is starting to rear its ugly head in somalia in our system.

Its silly when I see somalis tryin to revert to 60-69 elite reero shit, war doontasi eliteka system will mean our boat isnt universal, so it will be limited in it's success. Halku siyad alla yarxama uu albabada furay for all and put everyone on the boat


@Libaax-Joore elite reero system of 60-69 uu dhulqadan maayo no matter if it's my tol or not, it's illogical to limit our success rate to small talent pool, elite reero crap rears it heads even in jifi hoose, only clan I seen diversify is omar mahmoud inside itself, that makes much more sense, waxay la janqadeen realityga cusub ileen way ka barteen centralization flaws.


@Libaax-Joore call me bipolar ama psychotic to discredit what I am saying, I don't care. But know this they called all wise people of their time 'crazy' and 'hated' them even the prophet. Not only prophet many wise people were ahead of their time and misunderstood and only the future honors them while those who insulted them are shunned by the future.

An example abraham lincoln freed the slaves, was hated by his peers and misunderstood, today the future see him as a hero who was ahead of his time and misunderstood. This can happen also in our time period where many people who r misunderstood or hated are loved by the future for being ahead of their time. That's why they are 'salahs'


Intelligence lets define it. It's not IQ only. Or even EQ. It's you being able to absorb knowledge then using ur imagination to value add and then experience leads to your Wisdom. I rarely see Wise people among today Somalis. They existed lots in the past who would absorb the practical knowledge, value add by imagination, and then reach wisdom stage.

IQ is only how fast u can absorb knowledge, it not how creative u r with the knowledge to value-add.

It's intended to output workers due to the industrial age and factories. That's why menses high iq ppl do not value add cause they lack imagination and only just 'smart' but nothing more. Please learn knowledge, add creativity thru your imagination and value add, and then thru experience demonstrate wisdom waryaa.

Islam doesn't say Wise people among Salaheen ended duli yahow, they will always exist till judgement day. Aim to be a Salaheen in your field. Don't worry if i takes longer to learn don't aim to be 'smart' and that's it. Aim to deep learn, take ur time, then use imagination to play around with it and then apply it and develop experience/lesson learned and present yourself to the people of somalia with your WISDOM.
Because we dont have a prospering nation, in order to develop good like minded people u first need to have a good nation that would give you good education. Look at Singapore for example never in there history were they known for being the smartest it only happened when they put lee kuan yew as president and that he was able to delevop the nation fantastically. He was able to build a nation from 3rd world to 1st world in his lifetime, that's literally an impossible feat to accomplish but he did it. I suggest u read his book it's really fascinating


Malnutrition/high disease burden. That's basically the biggest reason.

The gap between diaspora Somalis and Somalis back home is 1 standard deviation higher just because Somalis in the West are actually fed. Depressing but hopeful at the same time


Because we dont have a prospering nation, in order to develop good like minded people u first need to have a good nation that would give you good education. Look at Singapore for example never in there history were they known for being the smartest it only happened when they put lee kuan yew as president and that he was able to delevop the nation fantastically. He was able to build a nation from 3rd world to 1st world in his lifetime, that's literally an impossible feat to accomplish but he did it. I suggest u read his book it's really fascinating

I'll check it out. But we need to 'scan' his wisdom.

1. Pre-Colonial situation
2. Colonial Situation
3. Post colonial
4. Social system in place
5. Opportunities he tapped into
6. Existing challenges

I do know one thing Nationalism doesn't work in societies with stronger pre-existing social identities they will always pledge loyalty to that whether it's ethnic, language, tribe, religion. How strong that pre-existing identity will tell u how weak their nationalism. So we need to scrap the nationalism not go against the theory


Malnutrition/high disease burden. That's basically the biggest reason.

The gap between diaspora Somalis and Somalis back home is 1 standard deviation higher just because Somalis in the West are actually fed. Depressing but hopeful at the same time

I know anywhere where democracy is successful needs the following to exist prior

1. Financial independence
2. Education

A free mind and a free wallet, without this he will be held hostage to wat u said 'survival' interest and clan or his ignorance isn't cured to develop 'ideas' and 'philosophies' that guide his politics and hence will fall back to 'identity politics' like @Libaax-Joore is doing. This will then fuel the leaders seeking talo to resort too 'xaa cuna, lug goyo, destruction, or status bal ii arka' becuz their no philosophy or idealogy ay ku 'gowracan' yihin


@GemState Nationalism and Islamist will most likely be our 'politics' in Somalia, that's all I see ppl guided by identity politics, totally disastrous. Plus those two systems will not work in Somalia due to the pre-existing clan identity being stronger