Why Are Somalis Extreme?


I've noticed this rigid unbalanced mind-set, everything is always on the extreme end of the spectrum no matter what topic, diversifying or mix n matching positives is totally unknown to them, no matter what topic you discuss with them. Nothing can be 100% bad or 100% good, u need to balance yourself to carefully take the good and learn from the bad.

Why do they like this loss-loss outcome = stalemate existence? is it the extreme mindsets that do not nudge from a certaain position to lead to win-win scenario.

Dr Osman loves a win-win outcome becuz it is more safer and better results even If I do lose in some areas, beats a 30 year stalemate. These guys can't negiotate with that mindset but only expand the stalemate further while running around like monkeys thinking their right, u can be right all u want, but you didn't win anything as the stalemate is there.