our riviers are drying up becuase they're being blocked by
an ethiopian dam
an ethiopian dam
That's why taking the side of Ethiopia is in our interest. We can force them to negotiate on our rivers if this is true. There's no free lunch in this world. I don't take anything serious from Harun waa laangaab oo cuqdadasan who people say is Oromo asal ah. Waa HAG kaboqad. I digress. We'll see.
Bah. Only if our interests align in the short-term. Long-term partnership with Egypt would be better, however.
Ethiopia is going to become next China and it won't stand being landlocked by disfunctional Somali states. There are 100 million Ethiopians and it has fastest growing economy in world right now. You guys are just being played by Ethiopia when you attacking each other cause of past clan rivalries.
Maybe it is for the best if Ethiopia invades Somalia. Maybe it'll reignite wadanimo among Somalis again.