What is the likelihood of chaos as a result of the elections?


Some people are predicting temporary chaos or even a coup/civil war if Farmaajo is elected again. What is the likelihood of This happening in your opinion?
What about if another candidate wins, is chaos likely in that case?
FARMAAJO isn't winning


90% chance of attacks on Farmaajo if he dares even step foot outside of Villa Somalia. Mogadishu is under control of anti-Farmaajo SNA forces

But he’s not winning. MPs aren’t stupid enough to risk chaos.


Some people are predicting temporary chaos or even a coup/civil war if Farmaajo is elected again. What is the likelihood of This happening in your opinion?
What about if another candidate wins, is chaos likely in that case?

some mental people such as certain users on this site may very much call for coups/civil war :pachah1: :deadmanny:

Seeing farmaajo win and re-elected is their literal nightmare they cannot even process
His tick tock army will be destroyed like last year .

If another chaos happens in xamar we will make sure Somalia balkanizes for the greater good of humanity .