WaryaWarrior goes off on Chunkz and the women who defend him

We all know that in the West, Asian men are stereotyped as submissive to White men, effeminate or perverted. That's the unfortunate truth. Meanwhile, Madow men are stereotyped for being hypersexual/hypermasculine, 'Rappers' or 'court jesters'. So, guess who will get more social currency? Madow men.

Somali men are seen as Madow-Lite and get all the social currency that this entails.

Asian men have been hating on Chunkz for a very long time, even when he was totally unproblematic. So yes, we would like you people to stay in your lanes. Why are you even on SomaliSpot??!
Calling me an Arab when you're a larping oromo???
I know how your people are, their mannerisms, intellect etc. You match all of these qualities so it's pretty obvious


