Walashma Dynasty

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What was the connection between Aw Barkhadle and the Abadir dynasty which was in rule at Harar?
Were the walashamians and abadirians united into one dynasty, or did they exist as separate entities the former disappearing?
abadir dynasty was the last to rule in the last 200 years, prior to colonization , but by then the glories of the city was done, and adal was done and Somalis wouldn't take being ruled by non Somalis . the town was at most 3-5k and was encircled by Somali ruled tribe territory
We Marehan are reer Abadir'an, we ruled Harar until the 18th Century. We are reer dua'd Abadir of the Suha 'Duha or Hodanbari dynasty.
Abadir was the founder of harar (~1100s) do marehans trace lineage to him? I thought Shiekhall were the only qabil to have links to them?
This question is why some ethiopians suspect ahmed gurey of being harari. I need information on The natives of harar and the ifatians. What happened after the ifatians acquired harar?
The Harari/Marehan and ifatians Sameroon Gadabursi refere to themself as Ghadasid people wich means the Sade people. Ghada or Gedo means people Sid is reer Sade Sameroon and Marehan were alies with the Marehan reer Duad Abadir, wich Nur Ibn Mujahid and Hirabu Goita Tedros trace their lingeage to.
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ur Ali Abdullahi of ad-Dhuha Suha/Marehan

Marehan have his abtirsi down as

Nur Ali Abdullahi Nur Yusuf Mataan Ciis Ahmed Mohamed Da'ud Abadir of reer Hodanbari/Mareexaan.

http://www.abtirsi.com/view.php?person= ... irsiLang=1

Notice his family surname is listed as ad-Dhuha Suha family in the German piece and in Marehan geneology he is part of reer Hodanbari

Dhuha = morning
Suha: beautiful/amazing

Hodan: wealthy/amazing (dhulkaan waa hodan)
Bari ; daybreak/early morning (nabad ku bari)

The family name is basically "waking up to a beautiful, vibrant morning" or "morning light"

There's other sources independent of this that are from the 1970s that state he is Marehan. Marehan inherited the Adal Sultanate after the Imam's death. Emir Nur's descendants, the Ina Nur guarded his tomb in Harar to this day.
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