UK Conservative Party Vice Chairman Mohamed Ali calls ”Hamas” an cancer, says Israel has an right ”to defend itself”

”Israel “has a right to defend itself, and we need to get rid of this cancer that is Hamas.”Ali, who at the age of three fled with his family from ethnic cleansing and war in Somaliland, told The Jerusalem Post that he could see in Israel similar trauma to what “my mother suffered in having experiences of the war and the loss of life and family and property.”

Somaliland, said the politician, had to fight for its independence and to oust the dictator Siad Barre. It has faced diplomatic ostracization and reticence for international recognition, a challenge that Israel has also faced”
When Nimcoon and her brother Coon number 2 shake their behind for Israel-one shouldn’t not necessarily assume that this is not in coordination with the black Zionist ruling Hargeysa. Some of their elites have always flirted with Israeli, with Edna Adam being the most prominent and others like the late Egal allegedly writing letters to Israel in the 90s.

Nimcoon and her brother are close with the black anorexic Oromo Zionist- Muuse Bixi.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Mothers Day Pizza GIF by Caroline Director
Clearly doing it for his own political benefit,
What people will do to further one’s career. Amongst the worst of hypocrites !


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