Uighur Muslims situation

First of all, there was a video circulating of the US CIA saying in 2015 that they could use that place to destabilize the whole region. That lead to some riots and so on which caused china to crack down on them. It's not a religious thing as theres others as well like the Khazar and other minorities.
Can someone explain to me why they say its genocide - the whole of china has had a 1 child rule and is a communist party.
Also, am i the only seeing it as some political move by the US to try and undermine China?
So much so that the New york times keeps posting about it and the fact that mike pompeo goes and tours indonesia and suddenly talks about the plight of uighurs in china.
Since when did he care?
Is it the intense scrutiny and the AI orwellian type state that people are afraid of, if so, then understand the same techniques are being used on us e.g. google, Alexa and so on... so when china does it its a problem but when the US does it its not?
Literally, all i see as evidence from this is that adrian zenz and a couple of actors theres no legit reporting going on?
Surely, theyd be people pointing at it posting about it on social media like the palestine situation but no?
Make a farce out of banning shit from France but Muslim countries will close their eyes when to comes to the genocide of the uighur muslims as they get investment from China. Cash is king as always.