Trump Wins 2024 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²US Presidential Election!


Wow i knew she was a hindu but i had no idea she was raised by a hindu supremacist mom.
The bias couldn't be more evident. The corrupt mainstream media is burying all the negative dirt from the left.

For example I saw none of them covering this story:

They don't want the people to know Timmy kept on traveling to China to passport bro with young women!
It does not compute how foreigners are enamoured with Trump. Is it 'cos they think it is a reality show they are watching from afar. Aaah, I forgot, it is not about science, facts, or figures, but illusions, IV lights inside the body, and drinking disinfectants. Lovely!

Leaders face challenges: some rise, others collapse. Obama was faced with the 2008 financial crises whereas Trump faced the Covid-19 pandemic. The former came up with a plan and team to steady the tide whereas the latter faltered with no plan other than dodging, fluffing, waffling, misdirecting, scapegoating, and misleading the public at the grave loss of over 1 million Americans.

Here is how Obama resolved the 2008 financial crises. H P
aulson, B Bernanke, T Geithner reflect on the severity of the crises. America owes a great deal of gratitude to those men.

Here is how Trump mishandled Covid-19 pandemic. His strategy: Ignore the science, technical experts, and play footsie with peoples' lives.

