Transgender Lobby Group recommends hiding behind Black people to get more support

They carried out polling and realised they're not getting the support they need. Therefore, they now recommend hiding behind black people by using racialised language to evoke sympathy and support for their cause.

Full Report PDF:

"Organizers know that advancing justice and safety for transgender people in the U.S. will require building a strong, vocal, and durable multiracial coalition championing a trans-inclusive, progressive vision for the country. Yet there has been little to no public opinion research or targeted narrative development focused on building that base by contextualizing trans issues within the broader fight for racial, gender, and economic justice. Instead, colorblind messaging dominates LGBT advocacy

Using a Race Class Gender Narrative, we can mobilize our progressive base (particularly Black, AAPI, and Gen Z audiences), marginalize our opposition, and move persuadables across race."

This is the language they will use from now on:



I think like 70% of Trans are just p0rn addicts that are depressed/other mental illness. The other 30% (mainly female that become men) have genuine gender dysmorphia starting from childhood
I think like 70% of Trans are just p0rn addicts that are depressed/other mental illness. The other 30% (mainly female that become men) have genuine gender dysmorphia starting from childhood

I wouldn't be surprised it comes out of p0rn addiction because you will see men transition to female body parts but remain only attracted to women; basically these men think they are lesbians. There are also men who identify as women and don't get surgery but they only want to sleep with women.

There are also people who have had surgery and ended up regretting it but they don't want those voices to be mainstream.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
Not that long ago as recent as 2004, most liberals in the states use to go as far as civil union not marriage for gays. Since then, khanis marriage is the norm and we are at a point where men are arguing the right to use the ladies bathroom by just saying they longer indentify male or they were born in the wrong body. Pure bullshit. Anyone against that is a bigot. Humans are animals and we you don’t sent boundaries, this what happens. Alxamdulilah for Islam. Soon they will demand to legalise sibling marriages. Step by step.


I wouldn't be surprised it comes out of p0rn addiction because you will see men transition to female body parts but remain only attracted to women; basically these men think they are lesbians. There are also men who identify as women and don't get surgery but they only want to sleep with women.

There are also people who have had surgery and ended up regretting it but they don't want those voices to be mainstream.
I recall seeing a thread about someone that regretted transitioning where they talked about their p0rn addiction and the rabbit hole that went from degrading other women to degrading themselves, of essentially wanting to become sex objects to get their next kick.

P0rnography causes a whole array of different psychological problems, it's effects should be something people talk about more so it can be banned eventually.
Madows are useful idiots so it's not even a surprise. All sorts of degenerates can rile up the madow hordes to fight for them and in due time you'll see pedophiles doing it too.
Madows are useful idiots so it's not even a surprise. All sorts of degenerates can rile up the madow hordes to fight for them and in due time you'll see pedophiles doing it too.

Afro-Americans generally seem to be hostile to this destructive Trans ideology -- even the women; they don't appreciate being equated with transwomen at all.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The more this degenerate stuff gets popular, the more popular will be the backlash. Some of the white people are subtly against it so there will be a breaking point. It only takes one right wing president to set this in motion
I'm starting to become pro tranny lol. They make those radical cadaan feminist types absolutely fucking seethe with anger. There's now a protected class of men they can't bΓ­tch/whine about and it fustrates them to no end. Eat shit TERFs :trumpsmirk: