Trading Djibouti Dilemma for Somaliland's Shiny New Docks, Ethiopia Romances Alternative Ports




Federal officials are eyeing fresh port alternatives, with recent missions to Somaliland and Kenya, as landlocked Ethiop...

Another beacon of optimism is the burgeoning Berbera Economic Zone (BEZ), which sits a mere 15Km from the Port and swiftly becomes a magnet for international logistics entities. The latest entrant to the BEZ is the London-based ALS Worldwide Group, a logistics behemoth with operations in Djibouti and Ethiopia. Its primary expertise lies in transporting oil, gas, and construction materials across countries. Dale Calkeld, managing director of ALS, commands over four decades of experience in logistics. A former associate of the Steder Group, which played a crucial role in delivering transformers to the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Calkeld underscored the appeal of the Berbera Port, asserting that the road from Berbera Port to Ethiopia’s border town of Tog-Waajale (Togochale) took only three hours. “Our interest in Berbera isn’t merely its efficiency,” he told Fortune. “It’s potential to provide a safer and more reliable alternative to the issues plaguing the Ethio-Djibouti corridor.” Calkeld envisions the Berbera route as a game changer for Ethiopia’s logistics. His company, with 45 employees, plans to procure 100 freight trucks in the next three months.


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