Tis tis...

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Arladooo madaw ayay ahayd, intaan gidaarka yaree jiingada dukaanka isku nabay, ayaan sugay, markay dukaankii kasoo dhaqaaday ee ay madowgii hore usoo gashay, intaan ka daba dhaqaaqay ayaan idhi 'Tis tis, naayaa istaag'
Laakiin way iska kay sii dhaga martay oo talaabada ayay hore usii boob siisay...

Kamaan daba hadhine intaan kasoo daba cararay baan kulleetiga soo qabtay, markaasay :umwhat:

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Shalom goyim
All I got was you were waiting for some madow and then chased after her when she left the shop and got pissed at her in which you conspired to slap the shit out of her. English please:feedme:
All I got was you were waiting for some madow and then chased after her when she left the shop and got pissed at her in which you conspired to slap the shit out of her. English please:feedme:

Then I said to her, Listen naag yahay, my job is a president buurtaas leeg, and is the government geedkaas leeg, which has wax aadan malanayn, come from dalkeena.


Shalom goyim
Then I said to her, Listen naag yahay, my job is a president buurtaas leeg, and is the government geedkaas leeg, which has wax aadan malanayn, come from dalkeena.
Jolly good show I tell ya and t'was a splendid story we all had a hearty laugh about over a cups of oolong tea and almond cakes.
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