The Social/Health/Environmental Trade-OFF From Progress


As everyone here probably has gouged me, I am big on human progress, becuz I fear lack of progress for a number of reasons. I seen what happens when a group socially devolves like happened to the aborigines in australia, a superior group replaces them and they eventually go extinct. Their lack of progress wasn't influenced by their choices tho whether religious or cultural as is the case in Somalia, they were geologically separated from the known world for so long and couldn't grow thru contact.

But as with anything their is negatives for progress especially 'fast' progress within short-time period. The negatives I found are the following;

1. Health declines and diseases. When progress happens rapidly, the body/mind hasn't had time to adjust. Like happened with the automobile, the body was used to walking for everything for mellenias and within a few decades they weren't, that will have health trade off. Food will increase and so will obesity and all sorts of cancers-heart issues. The lack of food also produce it's own set of problems.

2, Armies are compromised with low quality recruits and morally compromised also, they will always leave the battle field if they meet a group who have nothing to look forward to back home, they will be compromised mentally and will prefer the comfort of home. Comfort leads to softness. This happened to the urbanized locals in Mogadishu also when hungry/nomadic base invaded. That's why im watching PL urbanization rate and am a bit worried, we replicate the same problem. I know my grandfather would always take my father back to nugaal to get him in touch with the desert and hard life. We need this model also for our urban school kids.

3. Environment will eventually be impacted thru more resources being extracted from it, wastage, the air composition might decline thru CO2 and u may eventually won't be able to breath, it can lead to climate shifts, environmental degradation, geological shifts.

4. Intelligence decline. The key thing that makes human intelligent is life wasn't easy and they need harshness or else the brain won't think or create. U witness this a-lot with urbanized cultures in Somalia and you can tell their old-young-woman-man-child are all literally 'ambuulo' brained.

That's the trade offs I seen for progress well 'RAPID' progress. I hope if Somalia truly does develop, it doesn't adopt an extreme model but adopt a balanced progress shifting as many negatives that can come to the environment, intelligence, health, and army. A Sustainable progress model will take into account these trade offs and if it's worth it.
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