The Ciyal Kacaan/Nacaalad Generation have done it again.
It dawned on me today and after speaking to a buddy of mine last week who’s in Somalia right now. It actually hit after a post of a Somali girl wishing to marry 4 men after every tragedy in Somalia.
Gentlemen, the Ciyal Kacaan are on their way to producing a generation of bastards (waacyl) never seen before in Somalia history. My friend who was in Somalia told me there’s Bastards everywhere. Fathers who travelled from diaspora and took haram marriages without their wife’s consent are dumping the streets with negalected waacyl children.
This cycle will contribute to a never ending supply of impressionable children, who’s minds are ripe for the picking by criminals, terrorists and pedofiles.
I pray to god we get a Gobol that can fix this issue and criminalize men who abuse poligamy and burden the Somali state with children we are unable to raise. The social economic impact of this will devastate our country.
When Somalia gets its act together, these children should be adopted by the state and given free schooling, enrolled into the army at 18 and taught systematic cultural rejuvenation.
My friend told me he walked out of a house and met 5 boys begging for change, he asked them, where’s your parents? Two replied my father lives in America and the other one said my dads left the gobol and hasn’t seen him in 5 years.
The Ciyaal Kacaans children are now creating more waacyls. Just look this forum and you will find a few waacyls in every post. There’s even waacylaads (female bastards). With the rise of divorces and premarital births; we are experiencing a qarxiis of waacylnimo the likes we have never seen before in Somali history.
How do we solve this bastard epedemic?
Ban polygamy?
Is it because of Khat addicts?
Educate the women, since a smart women don’t share men?
Do we setup a waacyl committee in charge of taking in these children and reforming them?
Can we have a clean discussion about this waacylnimo please.
The Ciyal Kacaan/Nacaalad Generation have done it again.
It dawned on me today and after speaking to a buddy of mine last week who’s in Somalia right now. It actually hit after a post of a Somali girl wishing to marry 4 men after every tragedy in Somalia.
Gentlemen, the Ciyal Kacaan are on their way to producing a generation of bastards (waacyl) never seen before in Somalia history. My friend who was in Somalia told me there’s Bastards everywhere. Fathers who travelled from diaspora and took haram marriages without their wife’s consent are dumping the streets with negalected waacyl children.
This cycle will contribute to a never ending supply of impressionable children, who’s minds are ripe for the picking by criminals, terrorists and pedofiles.
I pray to god we get a Gobol that can fix this issue and criminalize men who abuse poligamy and burden the Somali state with children we are unable to raise. The social economic impact of this will devastate our country.
When Somalia gets its act together, these children should be adopted by the state and given free schooling, enrolled into the army at 18 and taught systematic cultural rejuvenation.
My friend told me he walked out of a house and met 5 boys begging for change, he asked them, where’s your parents? Two replied my father lives in America and the other one said my dads left the gobol and hasn’t seen him in 5 years.

How do we solve this bastard epedemic?
Ban polygamy?
Is it because of Khat addicts?
Educate the women, since a smart women don’t share men?
Do we setup a waacyl committee in charge of taking in these children and reforming them?
Can we have a clean discussion about this waacylnimo please.
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