The rise of Somali Bastards (Dhiibka Waacyl

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The Ciyal Kacaan/Nacaalad Generation have done it again.

It dawned on me today and after speaking to a buddy of mine last week who’s in Somalia right now. It actually hit after a post of a Somali girl wishing to marry 4 men after every tragedy in Somalia.

Gentlemen, the Ciyal Kacaan are on their way to producing a generation of bastards (waacyl) never seen before in Somalia history. My friend who was in Somalia told me there’s Bastards everywhere. Fathers who travelled from diaspora and took haram marriages without their wife’s consent are dumping the streets with negalected waacyl children.

This cycle will contribute to a never ending supply of impressionable children, who’s minds are ripe for the picking by criminals, terrorists and pedofiles.

I pray to god we get a Gobol that can fix this issue and criminalize men who abuse poligamy and burden the Somali state with children we are unable to raise. The social economic impact of this will devastate our country.

When Somalia gets its act together, these children should be adopted by the state and given free schooling, enrolled into the army at 18 and taught systematic cultural rejuvenation.

My friend told me he walked out of a house and met 5 boys begging for change, he asked them, where’s your parents? Two replied my father lives in America and the other one said my dads left the gobol and hasn’t seen him in 5 years.

:faysalwtf: The Ciyaal Kacaans children are now creating more waacyls. Just look this forum and you will find a few waacyls in every post. There’s even waacylaads (female bastards). With the rise of divorces and premarital births; we are experiencing a qarxiis of waacylnimo the likes we have never seen before in Somali history.

How do we solve this bastard epedemic?

Ban polygamy?

Is it because of Khat addicts?

Educate the women, since a smart women don’t share men?

Do we setup a waacyl committee in charge of taking in these children and reforming them?

Can we have a clean discussion about this waacylnimo please.
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So you're lumping children of divorced parents and children of polygamists with illegitimate children, all of them under the banner of "bastard".

If I tell you that word is literally one of the most inutterable words in my parents' hearing, and yet you've managed to bastardize thousands, probably millions, in one fell swoop.

I do agree that polygamy breeds poverty. But that is obvious to anyone
So you're lumping children of divorced parents and children of polygamists with illegitimate children, all of under the banner of "bastard".

If I tell you that word is literally one of the most inutterable word in my parents' hearing, and you've manage bastardize on thousands in fell swoop.

I do agree that polygamy breeds poverty. But that is obvious

If someone did a Waacyl report I think you would be shocked. Next time you go to Somalia ask street children were thier father went and the story leads to polygamy fuelled by Khaat drug addicts.

The social impacts of these Khaat addicts is incredible. And yes in the west right now, there are many Waacyls on the rise.

I’m sorry it’s harsh but I needed to make this serious topic quirky since it’s swept under the rug so often.


If someone did a Waacyl report I think you would be shocked. Next time you go to Somalia ask street children were thier father went and the story leads to polygamy fuelled by Khaat drug addicts.

The social impacts of these Khaat addicts is incredible. And yes in the west right now, there are many Waacyls on the rise.

I’m sorry it’s harsh but I needed to make this serious topic quirky since it’s swept under the rug so often.
I wasn't admonishing you.

I know there's street children everywhere..

I've noticed even the younger crowd here thinks in terms of mutiples when it comes to marriage.
Somali families in the diaspora need to stop sending their problematic sons/brothers back home to marry. My maternal side send my uncle who is hot ass mess and not fit to raise a chia pet let alone a child back to garrowe to marry some years back. Thankfully he passed on the local women, cause none of them were naturally LSLHLE (light skinned, long haired, and light eyed) like the mixed birds in Britania.
There are a lot of neglected children, there aren't many bastards. These people keep getting divorced and remarried. They don't care about their kids in the slightest. They get up and start over.


It just occurred to me its seems Somalis treat their homeland like a giant waste bin. Misfits, criminals, and the mentally deranged are sent there, and whatever they spit out stays there. Throwaways (not accounts, but families) are made there.

Is there a psychology to this? :dead: Maybe bc of what our parents' generation suffered, so they inadvertently treat it awfully in an ironic way.
It just occurred to me its seems Somalis treat their homeland like a giant waste bin. Misfits, criminals, and the mentally deranged are sent there, and whatever they spit out stays there. Throwaways (not accounts, but families) are made there.

Is there a psychology to this? :dead: Maybe bc of what our parents' generation suffered, so they inadvertently treat it awfully in an ironic way.

Our parents generation has been cursed by our great grandparents.

They are the worst generation to ever grace the plains of Somalia.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
One Problem is that the ones who do Divorce their kids stop providing for them when Islamically they still have to provide for their kids

How can a person ignore to provide even After a Divorce is weird to me After all its your own blood


Exam season guys !
Don’t forgot that mothers often abandon their kids, it’s not just diaspora dads or dads on khat. I’ve seen it happen


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Maintenance of children is a duty of the father, according to scholarly consensus, whether he remains married to his wife or divorces her, and whether the wife is poor or rich. She is not obliged to spend on the children when their father is still alive.

The woman who has been given a revocable divorce (first or second talaaq) must be given maintenance and accommodation during the ‘iddah, but when her ‘iddah ends, if she is not pregnant, she is not entitled to that.

In the event that custody of the children is given to a divorced woman, then the children’s maintenance must be paid by their father, and a mother who is breast-feeding may request payment for breastfeeding the child.

Maintenance of children includes providing accommodation, food, drink, clothing and education, and everything that they need, on a reasonable basis, depending on the husband’s circumstances, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Let the rich man spend according to his means; and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allaah has given him. Allaah puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him. Allaah will grant after hardship, ease”
Only if thier from the Commonwealth countries.

Many Somalis from Qatar,Saudi go to Somalia for cheap marriage, I think its either ban non nationals outright or make a minimum for meher and a refundable % of meher should be given to the state to hold for the kids in case the marriage breaks down or dad goes awol.
People in Somalia are quick to blame the diaspora for social ills. Your friends census of the street does he know their fathers were not originally living in Somalia and then did tahriib to the west? The child with his father living elsewhere in Africa..its normal for father's to be away for work especially with the high unemployment rates in the country, the only problem is that he should be sending back money to take care of his kids. If you think polygamy is the problem and it is banned then people will just have serial marriages (which is already quite common).
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the only problem is that he should be sending back money to take care of his kids.


We have a collective societal stigma with prioritizing.

Somalia needs a 100% military conscription to overhaul Daqan Xuman. And that’s a whole other thesis on how the Military changes culture.
The offspring's of a polygamous marriage are not bastards, banning the practice will not solve the problem either way, instead you will encourage far worse practices that will spawn more bastards, while banning what Allah made halal is apostasy.

You cannot police irresponsible idiots or a stupid irreligious society, the people that do these things had bad upbringings themselves, their own forefathers were cursed, these are signs of the last day foretold already, more and more filth will continue to be spawned

A lot of these kids make up stories especially with the cursed shaxaad culture back home were even odayaal with more money then you will try to rinse you dry, the same happens with the beggars in the west and everywhere else, a good story sells, increasing the likelihood of a successful shaxaad.

Education will not change anything because we see the poor choices Xaalimo's in the diaspora make everyday, at least the ones back home are far smarter looking at the monetary side strictly not hung up about age.

The typical educated diaspora Xaalimo's own uneducated mothers made better choices and have a far lower divorce rates as a result then they do, so education is clearly not the solution.

The only solution is a true spiritual religious awakening that will guide them towards the good, hardly anyone prays Istikhara to consult their creator whether the choices they are about to make is good or bad, since ultimately only he knows from his infinite wisdom.

When I was young and naive this very process inculcated by my parents saved me on several occasions from marriage, that's despite having a far rigorous due diligence process then most naive people, if this could be taught to the bulk of women and man alike, a lot of these problems would be avoided.
The offspring's of a polygamous marriage are not bastards, banning the practice will not solve the problem either way, instead you will encourage far worse practices that will spawn more bastards, while banning what Allah made halal is apostasy.

You cannot police irresponsible idiots or a stupid irreligious society, the people that do these things had bad upbringings themselves, their own forefathers were cursed, these are signs of the last day foretold already, more and more filth will continue to be spawned

A lot of these kids make up stories especially with the cursed shaxaad culture back home were even odayaal with more money then you will try to rinse you dry, the same happens with the beggars in the west and everywhere else, a good story sells, increasing the likelihood of a successful shaxaad.

Education will not change anything because we see the poor choices Xaalimo's in the diaspora make everyday, at least the ones back home are far smarter looking at the monetary side strictly not hung up about age.

The typical educated diaspora Xaalimo's own uneducated mothers made better choices and have a far lower divorce rates as a result then they do, so education is clearly not the solution.

The only solution is a true spiritual religious awakening that will guide them towards the good, hardly anyone prays Istikhara to consult their creator whether the choices they are about to make is good or bad, since ultimately only he knows from his infinite wisdom.

When I was young and naive this very process inculcated by my parents saved me on several occasions from marriage, that's despite having a far rigorous due diligence process then most naive people, if this could be taught to the bulk of women and man alike, a lot of these problems would be avoided.

The Wecyl Stigma doesn’t follow the rules our deen but our culture.

When a young man is alone in this world without a proper uniformed household it breeds and feeds our nacaasnimo.

In Somalia, Wecylnimo isn’t confined to the literal translation in the Quran. Just got to any Gobol and you’ll see children in the streets with no home and no figures. There’s children who are physiologically orphans and have absent parenting even when they parents are together.

We have a major problem with male accountability and the children are becoming victims.
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