The Origin of the Arabs, and the Arabization of South Arabia

As contrary to the legendary and South Arabian origin of the Arabs - I want to offer the evidence that consolidates the position for an Arab origin in the area of Anbar and the eastern Jordanian plateau - the ancient Arabistan and Araba-ya of the Persians and Alexander - the Syro-Jordanian plains..

The earliest mention of the Arabs is by the Assyrian of a Gindibu, a chief of the Arabs in an Akkadian text dated to around 1000 BC, concerned with the Assyrian invasion of Aramean territory - much of which was based in the Syro-Arabian plain. It mentions his alliance with Aramean king Adadidir and king Ahad of Israel, along ther allied forces against the Assyrian king Shalmaneser in the battle of Qarqar in 853 BC. Shortly thereafter we have mention of the Arab tribe of Qidar - mentioned as the Qidri of the Assyrians. A succession of Arbi Qidari queens and kings are given in the decades after. They are mentioned as a pastoral and nomadic tribal confederacy of Arabs bordering the western borders of Assyria.

The Archaemenid Persians give Araba-ya as being between Mesopotamia and the Meditereanean sea. They are both nomadic and settled - and Arabs are said to live in the cities of Uruk and Babylon.

These Arabs are close allies of the Persians and are not considered a subjugated people. They are mentioned as being involved in the wars or Alexander and Xerxes.

Around 500 BC Arabs are present near the shores of the Nile, where there are inscriptions found on bowls, written in Aramaic which mention the names of an Arab Qidari prince Qainu, the son of Geshem the Arab. He invokes an Arab deity - han Illa-t.

His father Geshem mentioned many in the Israelite texts, and has the eastern Delta of Egypt named after him - the land of Geshem - the very area we find the inscribed bowls.

Geshem is mentioned again as an antagonistic Arab leader who is in a state of conflict with the Israelites, and who the Greek authors place in southern Israel bordering the kingdom of Judah.

We see another mention of a certian Geshem bin Sahr in the Qabur al Jundi lihyanite inscriptions.

Geshem, as king of Qidar had his state range from the eastern Delta, southern Israel, and as far south as Dedan.

Under Archaemenid rule - the Arab territories are given as including southern Israel in addition to the bulk of Araba-ya. They are states as being free of tax, a status they share with the Kushites of Nubia.

In the conquests of Tiglath-Pileser and Sargon - Arab tribes which have been brought to subjugation include the Adbeel of southern Israel, who the bible connects with the Dedanites, the 'Eprah, and weirdly enough - the Sheba, who are connected with frankiscnece and the Sabeans.

The Nabaitaya are mentioned in Assyrian texts around this time - a likely reference to the Nabateans, who form a state in the southern region bordering Tayma.

Joseph mentions that the sons of Ishmael roam the area between the Eurphrates and Red sea. Reference store Zabibe and Hazael, queens and king of the Qidri and Arabs are found in Assyrian texts beginning with the reigns of Tiglath-Pilesar.

By the beginning of the 3rd century BC, Arabs are mentioned as living in the eastern Sahara, Mesopotamia, southern Israel, northern Arabia, and the eastern Nile Delta.

Their earliest state - the Qidri confederacy, was soon joined by the Nbtw, the Nabateans Arabs who began inscribing Arabic in an Aramaic script. The Arab tribes of Qidri and the Nabateans are later found in Egypt in locals and especially in the Fayyoum.

Arabs are also mentioned as being an antagonistic element to Alexander the Great and the Macedonians, which they engage in a stand off in the the heart of Lebanon - the Beqaa Valley, sandwiched between the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon ranges. The Greek authors first place them generally in the vincity beginning from southern Anatolia to central Arab, and as inhabiting the Sinai, Negev, Lebanon, Syria, and the western fringe of Mesopotamia. Later on are Arabs connected with Arabia proper as we head to the 1st century AD.

We see Nabatean and Mesopotamian Arab arabarches, the Arab-rulers - governors who under Roman and Parthian serve as frontier forces in defence of the border areas between the two states - a role later taken up by the Lakhmids and Ghassanids - whose Arabization shows a massive adoption of Nabatean elite culture (i.e the title Al-Haritha).

By the 1st century AD, Arabs are trading far and wide, and are notable seafarers. The Nabateans and Arab pirates are mentioned in the Red sea - and as conducting trade with Berenice and the first Berber country and the Somali coast.

With that preface - I want to begin with destroying the central tenet of Yemenite Arab origins: the indiginity of Arabs in South Arabia. I will move on to the linguistic evidence later.

The non-Arab but central Semitic Saba and Himyar have Arab sha'b and mercs as mentioned early as the Himyarite conquest of Hadramaut and Peripulus of Erythrean.

The Sabaeans and Himyars used these A'rab to mann their militaries and border garrisons - first against other Arabs and badw, then drew them against the other South Arabian rivals - Hadramawt against Saba, Himyar vs Saba, Himyar against Hadramawt - and finally against their own clan rivals and in-group rivals in what became an increasingly microscopic infighting.

It was this that primarily afforded the A'rab to increasingly consolidate favors and power - and just like the Abbasids were overthrown by their own Turkic ghilman centuries later. The destruction, expulsion, and conquest of the South Arabians afforded two broad paths to Arabization:

1) tribal migration into Arab territories in deep Arabia, and ensueing Arabization of South Arabians

2) usurption of the South Arabian states by Arab qayls and qdms.

3) the migration of 2 Arab segments:

A) the asl Arab bdw, driven by drought, employment, fertile land, and resources and likely summoned by Arab tribal kinsmen serving in South Arabia

B) the reverse migration and conquest of the Arabized Kahlan and South Arabians, such as those of Imru al-Qays and possibly Madhj

One of the earlier mentions of Arabs in non-South Arabian languages comes from the Peripulus of the Erythrean sea , which mentions Arabs in resident in Mouza, Soqotra, and and the isle of Sarapis, and engaged in the Himyarite trade in Southeast Africa - which gives a cut off date of 1st century AD. They are mentioned in a variety of social roles - as Shayks or Kaahins, and as traders and agents of the Himyarite king.

Outside of Southwest Arabia - the MSA (not Central Semitic) Meheris existed, where they are mentioned as early as 1800 years ago in Hadrami and Sabaen texts. They and possibly other MSA speakers inhabited the borders of Southwestern Arabia and into Uman, and were recognized as tribes of the Himyarite state. Soqotris at this period lived in Soqotra - and the undeciphered Dhofari inscriptions support a wide distribution of MSA languages in South Arabia, including not only Al-Shihr but all the way to the Persian Gulf - bounded by the margins of the Rub al-Khali to the north.

When it came to Arabs - Sabeans, Himyarites, and Hadramis clearly show in their texts that the 'rb are an outside and foreign people. They inhabit the suburbs and are looked at as militant desert tribes engaged as mercenaries for the South Arabians.

A good thread to show how this played out is with with major Himyarite conquests, which begin under Shammar Yuhar'ish of Saba, and with conquest of the Hadramite capital at Shabwa - it ends with the subsequent fulfillment of the conquest of the Hadraami kingdom by his son a few years later.

After the Himyarite takeover of Shabwa, Shammar is mentioned as the king of not only Saba, Hadramawt, and Dhu Raydan - but as the king of Yamnat, likely cognate with Yemen. But most interestingly is this - the kings of Himyar (mlk hmy-r) are later mentioned as king of the Arabs, both of the highlands and lowlands. This addition does not exist with King Shammar - and the acknowledgement of the Arabs as a sha'b cements their pathway to power, revealing a change in South Arabian discourse towards the Arabs. No longer are they just fleeting subjects, but incorporated citizens of the Himyarite state - as we see with the Meheri. Clearly something was different during the rule of king Shammar.

Around the year 400 - a series of Himyarite campaigns begin to target Mahra and central and eastern Arabia.

We hear of the Meheris for the first time, although the Soqotri are mentioned earlier. Other possible MSA speakers are also mentioned. With these conquests, the Himyarites may have gone as far as 'rd Uman - the Kahlani territory of eastern Arabia.

(Continued below - I almost reached the 10k limit)
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(Continued from above)

This is when the geographical peak of Himyar occurs. With later Aksumite control and a languishing economy and increasingly violent society, it begins to break down until it is finally destroyed by Aksumite conquest in 527-31.

The Aksumite (Hbsht) invasions had the support of several Himyar tribes - no doubt including the disaffected Kahlanis - but likely had its strongest base of support in the Arab Christians of Najran.

And it is with that the true motors of what finally falls the South Arabian states begin to show - underneath the final reiteration of Himyar was a surging Arab elite, one which is consolidating its power and playing off the divided qayls and sha'bs of Himyar - and these Arabs began to reinforce their own numbers with the migrations of their predatory Arab tribesmen to achieve total state capture. With Aksumite support and Sassanid expeditions on their heels, Arab power swells until we see Southwest Arabia under their total control as Arab bdw and their Arabized South Arabian compatriots roam the ruins of Himyar, and as the Arabs come to form the bulk of the hadar of South Arabia.

In a way I would sum up the Arabization of South Arabia being led by 6 main and self triggering factors:

1) endemic warfare, which causes

A) break down of critical hydraulic infrastrature hat was the agricultural basis for these states

B) tribal expulsions and defeat leading to a massive wave of Sabaen tribes moving into Arabia, the Levant, and Mesopotamia

2) the takeover of the profitable frankinscence and mryhh, and Southeast African trade by both local Arab and Nabatean Arab competition, leading to a

A) dry up of economic resources

B) stronger competition for the dwindling economic resources, especially by the more mercentile-based states

C) a socially mobile and increasingly economically and socially powerful Arab segment within Saba and Himyar - this is important in regards for point 4

3) Aksumite, Sassanid, and Roman meddling - in order of importance. This led to

A) the development of strong social rifts within Himyarite and between the South Arabian states

B) Arab opportunism as they partially overlap with push and pull factors of Aksumite vassalage and Sassanid expulsions, which make them increase in both power and numbers

4) the increasing power of the Arab mercenaries and military allies of Hadramawt and Himyar. Likely in conjunction with the increasing economic soft power of the Arab traders of South Arabia, who funded the outfits and military forces of their Arab kinsmen among the ranks of the Himyarite and Hadramite mercenary and military allies.

5) Christianization of the Nestorian kind, as led by al-Hayyan and others like the Lakhmids and Aksumites.

6) the backmigration and conquests of the Arabized Kahlani septs, in a reflux from Mesopotamia and the Levant, as idealized by Imru al-Qays.

All of this in conjunction served to not only devastate the last South Arabian states - but demolished the framework in which South Arabians had gained power.

It was in some ways cyclical - pushed away by civil war and disasters, migrant south Arabian tribes became Arabized. Their South Arabian belonging and reverse migration helped further Arabize their former countrymen.

Now with the linguistic evidence and side of things. Simply said - we begin to see strong interference in the northern Sabean dialect with what is certainly a Central Semitic a state - but one with qualities set apart and foriegn to the South Arabian languages. We start seeing inscriptions in Arabic written in the South Arabian musnad nearby in Qaryat al-Faw a few centuries later.

All the earliest written Arabic, in all its forms, and the ancient diversity of the Arabic - not the fake Nabatean or Ancient North Arabian language - is located in the Syrian, Jordanian, and Negev, and Iraqi steppes. By the 2nd century AD, Hasaitic inscirptions of an early Arabic dialect appear throughout Eastern Arabia, and the proto-Arabic script is written in ancient Ovdat by the 1st century AD.

Some of these inscriptions serve as time markers of the trend of a southwards Arab migration. Later Arabic forms are found soon found far southward, such as the inscriptions at Qaryat al-Faw, written in the 1st century AD - which also connects with the inscriptions of Imru al-Qays, who campaigned from the Lakhmid homeland as far deep as Najran - which at the time likely had many Sabean speakers. We know from these inscriptions and writings that large parts of central and south Arabia were ruled by Arabized tribal conquerors of previously Sabean Kahlan.

But the most important thing about these southward Arab movements is that many of the Arab tribes mentioned such as Madhj and Banu Lakhm are Qahtanites and claim South Arabian origins - and ties to Kahlan and Khawlan, the foremost tribes of Saba and South Arabia.

The northward thrust of Kahlani South Arabians meant they must have ran into migrant central Arabian Arabic speaking groups to whom they culturally assimilated, and a reverse migration and conquest on the part of these Arabized South Arabians - such as those of Imru al-Qays - must have made the transition to Arabic and Arabization much quicker in South Arabia from the 1st to 7th centuries.

The collapse of Saba and its conquest by Himyar in conjunction with the dismal state of the Ma'rib dam (and eventual sai'lul 3rim) and many other Sabaean irrigation systems and waterworks clearly had led to a large outward migration of the Sabaen Kahlan, and especially of Banu Ghassan, Banu Haaritha, and Banu Lakhm northwards into what was non-Sabaean and Arab tribal territory.

This was all assisted by the chronic warfare between Qataban, Saba, and Himyar during the 2 hundred years prior to Himyarite supremacy. This political contest led to the endemic situation at Ma'rib and the other numerous dams and water works in Saba and elsewhere.

Even through the South Arabian exodus was mostly a Kahlani and Sabaean affair, it is important to mention that the Himyarites had their fair share of migrants, such as a ancestral branch of Waa'ila.

Due to this Kahlani and Sabean-heavy tribal exodus, a power vacuum in developed in Yemen as the remaining tribe were mostly Himyarites and their probably Arab allies in Himyar, the Arabs of Hadramaut ('rb hdrmwt) and Hadramites, and the Sabeans mentioned by Peripulus who were under Himyarite rule.

Now back to the linguistic evidence -

The north Arabian scripts are many - about 7 in number, a few like Thamudic B are yet unclassified and are probably not Arabic. The earliest written Arabic are almost all graffitii. The exception are a few inscirpitions - like one from Dadan. The other Dadanitic language seems to not be Arabic at all.

Our surviving form of Arabic to the exclusion of other forms, had assimilated South Arabian and Ethio-Semitic related influences - notably the 1st person suffix morpheme prefix conjugation -k. So Arabic has clearly been impacted by South Arabian and South Semitic influences - something that idealized in the hybrid character of Arabic in Yemen, such as Asiri and Tihami Arabic.

The split between old Arabic and Old Hijazi (of Dadantic association) in the north Arabian region - plus the assimilation of South Arabian and South Semitic influences of contemporary Arabic - and Idumean and other Arabic influences amongst Canaanites all point to a securely northern West Asian origin for the Arabs and the Arabic language .


On a sidenote - but it is weird how Soqotra is unique in that it has a massive amount of Brahmi inscriptions along with a few Ge'ez and Greek ones. This agrees with the very cosmopolitan character of the island, although it may have been more a coastal phenomenon than otherwise and the Soqotri may have been generally unaffected. I wonder how this relates to the our ancestors in the tnorthern Somali coast towns and ports - I never saw a corresponding influence from South Asia


Bah Qabiil Fluid
What do you take me to be?

I would probably claim a Dinka as my cousin over an Arab nacalaa

You're in luck according to the Big Brains over in Nairaland "the average Somali is 60% Dinka," we need to establish a theory to connect each other. On another note where on earth are you getting your information from? Are you like @Apollo another PhD graduate in Molecular Genetics cause how do you know this much ?

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To each their own
What do you take me to be?

I would probably claim a Dinka as my cousin over an Arab nacalaa

I was just joking around.

Honestly this post is long, I'll read it tmr when I got time.

Shut the f*ck up. Knowledge is knowledge and they are the people we have interacted with the most in our history. So isn't it a given that we should know more about them.

Calm down, I wasn't being serious.
He is only giving us the excuse to invade Yemen sxb.

I welcome his claims, @Apollo also agrees that Arabs are from Israel :gaasdrink:

The last major Jewish dynasty - the Herodian kings of Judea - were langaab dhegcas Arabs

The great tyrant Herod the Great had both an Arab father - Antipater - and an Arab mother - Cypros. His parents were converts, and Jews hated his guts 1) he was a traitor in literally every way and 2) because he was not Jewish by blood. He was very tyrannical and had an entire harem. He was a proto-modern Gulf Arab monarch.

He killed his own son - which made Emperor Augustus say it was better to have been born Herods pig than his son.

He killed and usurped the last true Hebrew dynasty - the Hasmonean kings. He had the last king Antigonus killed by the Romans since he had led the Jews in revolt against Roman imperialism, and he then ruthlessly hunted down all the Hasmonean men and boys and killed them in typical Abbasid fashion. And by sheer Arab incompetence his 4 sons and grandsons destroyed the entire foundation of the state of Israel and triggered the Jewish exile and expulsions under the Roman's especially after the second Jewish revolt - they were so bad, almost half of them were dismissed by the Romans because they felt bad for their citizens. Can you imagine?

Those Arab fuckers chimp level intelligence literally triggered the Emperor Hadrian to enact the final solution and genocide and enslave hundreds of thousands of Jews, permanently expel hundreds of thousands more, and renamed Judea/Israel to Syria Palaestina. Their entire country was banned from ever existing again kkk

Arab tribes literally flooded Judea and Israel from the Sinai and Negev and Jordan and Lebanon - from all 4 cardinal sides - and gleefully helped the Roman's push them out and genocide them and they settled into the empty Jewish cities, towns, and properties like the Abgaal and Habar Gidir did in 1991 Mogadishu kkk

But now when the descedants of those enslaved and refugee Jews flip the table on them 1800 years later, they want us to cry for them?

Arabs are suffering historic karma of the backstabbing, traitorous Herodians.

If not for one Habash king Kaleb (the Dog) - Yemenis would have been zealous screeching Zionists crusaders like their Himyarite ancestors, not pro-Palestinian Arabs kkk

Samaalic Era

The last major Jewish dynasty - the Herodian kings of Judea - were langaab dhegcas Arabs

The great tyrant Herod the Great had both an Arab father - Antipater - and an Arab mother - Cypros. His parents were converts, and Jews hated his guts 1) he was a traitor in literally every way and 2) because he was not Jewish by blood. He was very tyrannical and had an entire harem. He was a proto-modern Gulf Arab monarch.

He killed his own son - which made Emperor Augustus say it was better to have been born Herods pig than his son.

He killed and usurped the last true Hebrew dynasty - the Hasmonean kings. He had the last king Antigonus killed by the Romans since he had led the Jews in revolt against Roman imperialism, and he then ruthlessly hunted down all the Hasmonean men and boys and killed them in typical Abbasid fashion. And by sheer Arab incompetence his 4 sons and grandsons destroyed the entire foundation of the state of Israel and triggered the Jewish exile and expulsions under the Roman's especially after the second Jewish revolt - they were so bad, almost half of them were dismissed by the Romans because they felt bad for their citizens. Can you imagine?

Those Arab fuckers chimp level intelligence literally triggered the Emperor Hadrian to enact the final solution and genocide and enslave hundreds of thousands of Jews, permanently expel hundreds of thousands more, and renamed Judea/Israel to Syria Palaestina. Their entire country was banned from ever existing again kkk

Arab tribes literally flooded Judea and Israel from the Sinai and Negev and Jordan and Lebanon - from all 4 cardinal sides - and gleefully helped the Roman's push them out and genocide them and they settled into the empty Jewish cities, towns, and properties like the Abgaal and Habar Gidir did in 1991 Mogadishu kkk

But now when the descedants of those enslaved and refugee Jews flip the table on them 1800 years later, they want us to cry for them?

Arabs are suffering historic karma of the backstabbing, traitorous Herodians.

If not for one Habash king Kaleb (the Dog) - Yemenis would have been zealous screeching Zionists crusaders like their Himyarite ancestors, not pro-Palestinian Arabs kkk
Very true. Herod was an Arab and him and his son paved the way for destruction of the nation of Israel. Because of them, its shocking that 100,000 Jewish women and children taken as war booty and sold

I agree with what you said except that I am Habar Gedir and we did not take illegal properties :ufdup:
You're in luck according to the Big Brains over in Nairaland "the average Somali is 60% Dinka," we need to establish a theory to connect each other. On another note where on earth are you getting your information from? Are you like @Apollo another PhD graduate in Molecular Genetics cause how do you know this much ?


I read. I always did.

Today I read this:

Frequency data from Supplementary Table 5.8, along with its estimated evolution date, suggest that the expansion of E-V32 in East Africa follows a demic diffusion model. In other words, the marker potentially represents an expansion of Nilo-Saharan cattle herders

In the case of the southern expansion of E-M293, the initial population may well have spoken a Nilo-Saharan language. As the
migration expanded southwards, people shifted languages and adopted those that fall within the Afro-Asiatic,
Niger-Congo, and Khoe-Kwadi language families, or the two isolates, Hadza and Sandawe.

All Cushites henceforth are to be treated to as crypto-Nilotes until further notice.

:mjcry: :mjcry:


Make Dhulos Great Again
The last major Jewish dynasty - the Herodian kings of Judea - were langaab dhegcas Arabs

The great tyrant Herod the Great had both an Arab father - Antipater - and an Arab mother - Cypros. His parents were converts, and Jews hated his guts 1) he was a traitor in literally every way and 2) because he was not Jewish by blood. He was very tyrannical and had an entire harem. He was a proto-modern Gulf Arab monarch.

He killed his own son - which made Emperor Augustus say it was better to have been born Herods pig than his son.

He killed and usurped the last true Hebrew dynasty - the Hasmonean kings. He had the last king Antigonus killed by the Romans since he had led the Jews in revolt against Roman imperialism, and he then ruthlessly hunted down all the Hasmonean men and boys and killed them in typical Abbasid fashion. And by sheer Arab incompetence his 4 sons and grandsons destroyed the entire foundation of the state of Israel and triggered the Jewish exile and expulsions under the Roman's especially after the second Jewish revolt - they were so bad, almost half of them were dismissed by the Romans because they felt bad for their citizens. Can you imagine?

Those Arab fuckers chimp level intelligence literally triggered the Emperor Hadrian to enact the final solution and genocide and enslave hundreds of thousands of Jews, permanently expel hundreds of thousands more, and renamed Judea/Israel to Syria Palaestina. Their entire country was banned from ever existing again kkk

Arab tribes literally flooded Judea and Israel from the Sinai and Negev and Jordan and Lebanon - from all 4 cardinal sides - and gleefully helped the Roman's push them out and genocide them and they settled into the empty Jewish cities, towns, and properties like the Abgaal and Habar Gidir did in 1991 Mogadishu kkk

But now when the descedants of those enslaved and refugee Jews flip the table on them 1800 years later, they want us to cry for them?

Arabs are suffering historic karma of the backstabbing, traitorous Herodians.

If not for one Habash king Kaleb (the Dog) - Yemenis would have been zealous screeching Zionists crusaders like their Himyarite ancestors, not pro-Palestinian Arabs kkk
King Herod was an Edomite by his father side so how can he be Arab?
Very true. Herod was an Arab and him and his son paved the way for destruction of the nation of Israel. Because of them, its shocking that 100,000 Jewish women and children taken as war booty and sold

I agree with what you said except that I am Habar Gedir and we did not take illegal properties :ufdup:

That is not reer Mudug behavior, that is dhaqan Koonfureed we all know that kkkk

King Herod was an Edomite by his father side so how can he be Arab?

I confused the Idumeans for Itureans kkk.

The Idumeans were assimilating and becoming Arabized by the Nabateans at that time. But his mother was definitely Arab and Nabatean.

Whether his father was Arab is unknown, he was maybe ethnically Idumean or Arabized - some even had Arab names.

Idumeans had lost most of Idumea completely to Arab tribes.
Himyarite is not central Semitic, nor is it south Semitic. It’s an unclassified Semitic language because of its unique features.
Himyarite is not central Semitic, nor is it south Semitic. It’s an unclassified Semitic language because of its unique features.

Unintilligble (non-Arabic) Himyaritic is hardly found - it is found in a total of 3 poetic inscriptions.

This unintelligible Himyaritic is South Arabian and Central Semitic - it was wrongly attributed as an unknown Semitic as its poetic verse was taken for a standard grammar, and not poetry.

Imagine if my Great Epic Poem of the Serbian Samaal was found 500 years into the future - and the only other remaining written English of our period.

If future linguists are oblivious to see the poetic verse for what it is - they will come to the conclusion that it is a standardized English grammar of that period. If only other remaining English work they have was composed in a formal standard American non-poetic work, the additionally AAVE grammatical ticks and words would make them believe it is a wholly different language.

And thats how the unintelligible Himyaritic was taken to be a whole non-South Arabian language - when it is just a Sabean poem composed in a more obscure dialect!

A likely spoken Arabic with heavy South Arabian features was popularly described as Himyaritic by Hamdani and Arab grammarians despite it probably just being an Arabic dialect spoken by Arabs and Arabized Himyarites/South Arabians - and it may not even have a special relationship with some Himyari-specific dialect!

This formerly unintelligible Himyaritic but now likely Sabean language had both Arabic-adjacent and South Arabian adjacent innovations - and not as much lingering MSA influence as we see in Hadramitic.

If this Yemenite Arab dialect had anything to do with Himyairite - its influences are more Central Semitic than MSA or Ethiopic - and clearly not East Semitic

The intelligble Himyaritic sentence here:

رايك بنحلم كولدك ابنا من طيب

كولدك and رايك and -n all make this too heavily Arabisczed.

This looks securly central Semitic - and shares alot with Arabic and South Arabian.

This too is not a seperate language - it has to be early modern Yemenite Arabic.