The mugshot of the killer who stabbed two girls in Southport and caused riots against muslim is released


Forza Somalia!

Wallahi I’ve been dodging that photo on social media because how ugly it is. They’re definitely giving that guy hell behind the scenes. And there’s no way these guys are actually East African. We need to preserve that shit from them Bantus

Nomadic lord

Simply better.
100% her life could have been saved; you just don't see some random bum walking up to kids and do nothing about it.
When a group of people want to wage war against you, they will find plenty of excuses to start.

The West is gearing up for it, the funds are drying up, debt at an all time high all owed to Jews, opportunities are drying up for the next Generation, AI will accelerate this further and ensure the middle class gets decimated.

You will see the type of brutality that killed hundreds of millions in two world wars and what they did to themselves in the Dark Ages.

As Somalis we are the most unfortunate group when this kicks off, no country to call home, can't feed ourselves, trade deficit with all countries we trade with, entire economy based on remittance and foreign aid, highest energy cost in the world at $1.50 KwH.

No Basic foundations to work it, worst infrastructure in the world, most fragile state, leading corruption index 30 years straight and surrounded on all sides by bitter enemies 10x the population.
When a group of people want to wage war against you, they will find plenty of excuses to start.

The West is gearing up for it, the funds are drying up, debt at an all time high all owed to Jews, opportunities are drying up for the next Generation, AI will accelerate this further and ensure the middle class gets decimated.

You will see the type of brutality that killed hundreds of millions in two world wars and what they did to themselves in the Dark Ages.

As Somalis we are the most unfortunate group when this kicks off, no country to call home, can't feed ourselves, trade deficit with all countries we trade with, entire economy based on remittance and foreign aid, highest energy cost in the world at $1.50 KwH.

No Basic foundations to work it, worst infrastructure in the world, most fragile state, leading corruption index 30 years straight and surrounded on all sides by bitter enemies 10x the population.
People need to wake up for real
Having never been to the UK and never having any interest in visiting, it’s nonetheless clear to me that our reputation there is in absolute tatters.