The Honest Truth.

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Somalis must understand who their enemies are and what continents they hail from. Many Somalis have the idea that an Arab will help them because of the common religion we share. Arabs are the solid reason why Somalia is in chaos today. The Saudis even went to the extent where they wish to see a divided Somalia. Where Somalis are governed by Ethiopians and Kenyans. The U.N is already in Somalia hiding behind the AU/AMISON forces who receive annual payments monthly.
N.A.T.O has entered Somalia using Turkey as a shield because it understands the Somali culture in embracing anyone entering their country as Muslims. Turkey has renamed and has given Turkish names to any monument they construct within our boarders. They even managed to persuade some leader in renaming the Somali Aden Cade airport.
Which of course after many reports have been dropped.
Saudi Arabia's leaked documents show images and diagrams describing the future for Somalis and Somalia as a whole.
They wish to divide Southern Somalia and Northern Somalia into two nations. Puntland and Somaliland being annexed into Ethiopia, and Southern Somalia (Muqdisho-Jubaland) to be annexed into Kenya. Yet it seems Somalis favor Arabs in terms of politics. As if Arabs are allied with them against the same people they pay on the daily to carry out endless genocides against ethnic Somalis.
Whether it be through Al-Shabaab or AMISOM.

Al shabaab has killed ONLF fighters, who are ethnic Somalis, speak the same language as them, and worship the same God as them. It seems the old, your enemy is my enemy theory doesn't exactly apply to Al shabaab.
Unless theres an absence in threats of course.
Why would they need to kill an ONLF fighter if both gorilla groups wish to bring horror to the highlanders?
You;d think they'd be coping with one another.
Al Shabaab is a threat created by the Saudis and Americans in order to rob the Somali people from whatever resources they have. The Ethiopian's want a cut, and so do the Kenyans.
Arabs in the Golf are terrified to see a stable Somalia, this would mean oil being manufactured, and I'm certain Somalia being just beneath the Middle East would mean downfall for their prosperity.
AMISOM works for the U.N/NATO
Al Shabaab works for the Golf Arabian countries, backed by other Africans such as the Ethiopians and Kenyans.

We must leave the Arab league.
Place sanctions on any state within Somalia that works with Ethiopia or anyone the government in Muqdisho consider an enemy of the state. These sanctions should keep people from being harmed and will perhaps be effective in the long run.
No international country or companies should be allowed into Somalia without first receiving the proper documents and background check in Muqdisho. This would mean less error and corruption. Any state that disowns the loyalty of the blue flag will be placed under sanctions. No Dahabshiil, proper electricity. You name it. The division within us is the solid reason why our people are fragile.
To be honest if you, we should have never accepted a single refugee from Yemen. In fact, we should shoot the men and place them under ISIS.
Ruuxi carab taageero isla meeshuu taaganyahy halagu toogto. Wax u dhaxeeyo malahan.
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