The evil eye

I've been struggling with a lack of motivation lately, and I can't help but wonder if it's due to the evil eye. It's as if the negative energy from others' jealousy or ill wishes is weighing me down, sapping my drive and enthusiasm. Despite trying to push through, I feel like there's an unseen force holding me back, making it hard to stay motivated and focused on my goals.


booliska federal 🚓
Drink a couple of energy drinks or down caffeine daily, you won't be feeling anything heavy on yourself


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I've been struggling with a lack of motivation lately, and I can't help but wonder if it's due to the evil eye. It's as if the negative energy from others' jealousy or ill wishes is weighing me down, sapping my drive and enthusiasm. Despite trying to push through, I feel like there's an unseen force holding me back, making it hard to stay motivated and focused on my goals.
Make dua,
And get your vit d levels up.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I like to blame my personal shortcomings and f*ckups on evil eye too, bro.
Hot Sauce Crying GIF by First We Feast: Hot Ones

Thats cold 💀
Someone give me detailed explanation of the evil eye . Heard it a few times but never cared to educate myself on it
I've had it before trust me you'll know when its evil eye vs regular fatigue vitamin deficiency its like you can feel something following you some weird presence

Signs of evil eye​

As for the symptoms of being affected by the evil eye , Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Sadhan (may Allah preserve him) said:

“If it is not a real sickness, then the symptoms may take the following forms:

· Headaches that move from one part of the head to another;

· Yellow pallor in the face;

· Sweating and urinating a great deal;

· Weak appetite;

· Tingling,

· Heat or cold in the limbs;

· Palpitations in the heart;

· Pain in the lower back and shoulders;

· Sadness and anxiety;

· Sleeplessness at night;

· Strong reactions due to abnormal fears;

· A lot of burping,

· Yawning and sighing;

· Withdrawal and love of solitude;

· Apathy and laziness;

· A tendency to sleep;

· Health problems with no known medical cause.


Recovering from humiliation kink.
Evil eye is real. It can kill with Allah's permission. Stop telling people your blessings. And stop posting your pics online


Recovering from humiliation kink.
Listen to Quran or read it. And make dua against evil eye. I know what I am talking about

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
recite the the quls (surah and, falaq) surah ahad) before you sleep and wake up. recite surah ikhlas make dua and have tawakul.
Perform ruqyah on yourself or listen to ruqyah audios (you can find them on youtube). If you have the evil eye you will react to it, even subtly. Some reactions to look out for:
  • Sweating
  • Excessive yawning
  • Going hot/cold
  • Tingling
  • Shivering
  • Crying
  • Drowsiness

Read surah al-Baqarah daily if you can. Stop telling people the things you got. I dont advocate seclusion but I do support protecting your energy from energy vampires. Do and say only what benefits you and doesn’t attract more eyes on you. Get rid of social media if you’re active on it. Give any xaasid as little opportunity as possible to see you or monitor you. My life significantly improved once I did these things. If you can go back home, I would advise it too so you can get rest and rejuvenation. You’ll come back refreshed and with a new will to live your best life here.

oh, another big one is cupping therapy!! Hijaama truly helps. Afterwards, you’ll be so refreshed!

Athkar morning and evenings. And don’t be without wudhu at all.
Evil eye is real
Read your morning and afternoon adkars
,memorise couple of short one .
Try always have wudu when you leave home and if you break it you can wipe top of the socks and not fully wash the feet's.


I've been struggling with a lack of motivation lately, and I can't help but wonder if it's due to the evil eye. It's as if the negative energy from others' jealousy or ill wishes is weighing me down, sapping my drive and enthusiasm. Despite trying to push through, I feel like there's an unseen force holding me back, making it hard to stay motivated and focused on my goals.
Go to a sheikh instead of asking us you doqon.

