"The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?"

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The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?

“Do the Jews Really Control America?” asked one Chinese newsweekly headline in 2009. The factoids doled out in such articles and in books about Jews in China—for example: “The world’s wealth is in Americans’ pockets; Americans are in Jews’ pockets”—would rightly be seen to be alarming in other contexts. But in China, where Jews are widely perceived as clever and accomplished, they are meant as compliments. Scan the shelves in any bookstore in China and you are likely to find best-selling self-help books based on Jewish knowledge. Most focus on how to make cash. Titles range from 101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews."

The more the Chinese realise and talk more about this I wonder how effective the anti Semitic tag that the USA government will try slap them with will work on the chinese lol.


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