The Atlantic: The Bad Guys Are Winning

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Liberal democracy is being blamed for many of the numerous ills in the West. Migration into Europe and political strife in the US have liberal agendas behind them and so naturally there is a reaction to it.

Unfortunately, the reaction to liberalism is more often than not coming from the far-right.

Two extremes that can't see eye to eye only leads to conflict and potential violence.

Liberalism is a menace and democracy is a menace. The thread isn't really about domestic infighting in the West. It's not talking about Biden supporters/leftists/liberals in the West versus Trump supporters/anti-immigration people in the West. I don't really care either way about the immigration stuff.

It's more about Western liberal democracy being challenged on the world stage. And the challenge is coming from China, Russia, Venezuela, etc. Venezuela is a leftist opponent of this attempted world hegemony. The opposition isn't limited to a specific ideology.

It isn't that we to choose between liberal sjwism or right-wing alt-right neo-nazi ideology. I am none of the above. I think people should stop going with either and adopt a position that is neither. People act like you have to go with one or the other and I don't understand why. You might not have anyone in the mass media in your country representing you and you'll be an outsider to the mainstream of Western politics but it's better to be on your own and in the right than with a large crowd following something that is wrong.


I don't know why people are still making this shura = democracy argument.

Some people think that the word democracy is equivalent to shoora (consultation) in Islam! This is a mistaken notion for many reasons, including the following:

1. Shoora has to do with new matters that arise or with matters that are not explained in detail in the texts of the Qur’an or Sunnah. With regard to the “rule of the people”, the people may discuss what is well-established in religion, which may lead to refusing to acknowldge the prohibitions on that which is forbidden, and to forbidding that which Allah has permitted or made obligatory. So the sale of alcohol is permitted according to these laws, as are fornication/adultery and riba (usury), but these laws put pressures on Islamic organizations and the activities of those who call people to Allah. This is diametrically opposed to sharee‘ah, so what does this have to do with shoora?

2. The majlis ash-shoora (consultative committee) is to be formed of people who have a deep knowledge of fiqh, Islam and sharee‘ah, fahm, and have a high level of piety and good character. So no one who is of bad character or foolish, or is a disbeliever or atheist, is to be consulted or involved in the shoora process. As for the democratic councils of representatives, they pay no attention to any of the con ditions mentioned above. The representative may be a disbeliever, or of bad character or foolish. What does this have to do with shoora as prescribed in Islam?

3. Shoora is not binding upon the ruler; the ruler may give precedence to the view of one member of the council that is supported by proof, and prefer his view over that of the other council members, whereas in the case of representative democracy, the agreement of the majority becomes legally binding upon the people.
Its not equal thats why they are two different words but both concepts have major overlaps.

As for Shura being binding if a leader swears an oath at an inauguration to uphold a constitution with no kufr in it is that oath not binding?