Which Fathers? The ones they collectively threw out decades ago because they wishfully thought they no longer needed them?Kudos to these mothers. At least they are trying to do something to stop this violence in the geeljire tdot community.
Where are the fathers?!!!!!!!
Which Fathers? The ones they collectively threw out decades ago because they wishfully thought they no longer needed them?
Most of these Fathers for there own sanity have gone back home to start again in a land were welfare checks, social housings and the rest of the malarky that incentives our Xaalimo's to self-destruct doesn't exist.
In our broken community in the diaspora the Fathers are totally powerless with little to no authority to enforce anything, even if he somehow survived being divorced by her, he is nothing more then a toothless ceremonial figure.
Why on earth would you blame someone like that??
These gangbanging kids all come from those homes and they serve as a punishment for that wretched rebellious wife.
These are all punishments for what there hands have set forth.
Which Fathers? The ones they collectively threw out decades ago because they wishfully thought they no longer needed them?
Most of these Fathers for there own sanity have gone back home to start again in a land were welfare checks, social housings and the rest of the malarky that incentives our Xaalimo's to self-destruct doesn't exist.
In our broken community in the diaspora the Fathers are totally powerless with little to no authority to enforce anything, even if he somehow survived being divorced by her, he is nothing more then a toothless ceremonial figure.
Why on earth would you blame someone like that??
These gangbanging kids all come from those homes and they serve as a punishment for that wretched rebellious wife.
These are all punishments for what there hands have set forth.
Kudos to these mothers. At least they are trying to do something to stop this violence in the geeljire tdot community.
Where are the fathers?!!!!!!!
So she said before she brushed her teeth she checks the news and is feeling depressed? Why watch the news in the firstplace, wardoon miyaad tahay?
So she said before she brushed her teeth she checks the news and is feeling depressed? Why watch the news in the firstplace, wardoon miyaad tahay?
You don’t get it bro
She tried to directly apply a Somali analogy onto English but it collapsed
Which saying is that?
It’s because of benefits/welfare state, no reason to have a man in the home telling you and your children what to do if you don’t need his money, problem is 90% of the time this decision comes back to haunt them. What do you think would be the future of the diaspora? Remember at least these last generations kept the culture, I can’t imagine it getting any better but only worse.Which Fathers? The ones they collectively threw out decades ago because they wishfully thought they no longer needed them?
Most of these Fathers for there own sanity have gone back home to start again in a land were welfare checks, social housings and the rest of the malarky that incentives our Xaalimo's to self-destruct doesn't exist.
In our broken community in the diaspora the Fathers are totally powerless with little to no authority to enforce anything, even if he somehow survived being divorced by her, he is nothing more then a toothless ceremonial figure.
Why on earth would you blame someone like that??
These gangbanging kids all come from those homes and they serve as a punishment for that wretched rebellious wife.
These are all punishments for what there hands have set forth.