Sudanese Women Clash with Cleric Who Justifies Sexual Harassment of Women Dressed "Immodestly"

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Modesty is important but lets not act like some guys are not sexual preditors. Especially those who grow up in segeregated settings.

Outrage in Kuwait after a Kuwaiti soldier of Egyption orgin tracked down a married Kuwaiti Woman, crashed into her car, kidnapped her along with her two kids, stabbed her at the heart and dump her body at the hospital.

The unrelated man tried to kill her and kidnap her before but was let go off prison till trial.

Worth noting that Kuwait is prime example of failed democracy. The monarchy is constitutional with some power. But so called democratically elected Nation Council is rife with incompetent politicians. Country is hijacked by powerful oligarchy connected with corrupt political elites.
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We need strict policy against all rapist and pedophiles, I advocate for televised death penalties to intimidate the potential sexual predators :fittytousand:


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
North Sudan is taking an L by sharing a similar country name to South Sudan which is chaotic, lol.

They should change their country name to Nubia.

Iran should change itself to Persia.

My PR advice.

I wholehearted disagree:

Oof! Somalis gonna become like those American Iranians who say they're from "Persia" because of the Islamic Republic like the whole of multi-ethnic Iran is the Fars province? Cooning for some name a foreign people like the Greeks gave their land instead of the actual native name of the place.


Persians were just the most powerful group historically for a long-time and the elites of Iran when the Greeks fought Iranians so they named the whole of Iranic lands after them but they were never the only people in Iran nor even the creators of the first Iranic empire and one of the later Iranic empires that fought the Romans was not ruled by Persians while the native name of the land is "Iran". And of course the country is multi-ethnic even after centuries of Persianization:


These coons in places like California just prefer "Persia" because it sounds all exotic and sexy to cadaans instead of terroristy Iran.

Calling it "Persia" is an insult to the other ethnic groups in Iran whom the current Iranian regime, despite whatever woes it may have, is actually quite accomodating and respectful toward. For example, contrary to what gulfers believe about how Iran wants to erase Arab culture, Ayatollah Khamanei makes a point of giving speeches in Arabic when he's in regions like Khuzestan:

Hell, Khamanei himself is not Persian but paternally Azeri. A lot of Azeris are among the elites in Iran, in fact. And, again, Iran is the native name.



Names can change their meaning. They are just noises we make with our mouths. The old definition doesn't have to mean it forever.

Iran has terrible PR. It sounds like the basket case Iraq which also has a terrible reputation. It also sounds a bit like Aryan which the Nazis have destroyed branding wise.

Persia makes people think of Ancient History, Persian rugs, Persian cats. It is hard to demonize it.

Somalia also needs a rebranding. I would go for Azania. Easy on the tongue and inclusive (not a name of an ethnicity).


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

Names can change their meaning. They are just noises we make with our mouths. The old definition doesn't have to mean it forever.

Iran has terrible PR. It sounds like the basket case Iraq which also has a terrible reputation. It also sounds a bit like Aryan which the Nazis have destroyed branding wise.

Persia makes people think of Ancient History, Persian rugs, Persian cats. It is hard to demonize it.

Somalia also needs a rebranding. I would go for Azania. Easy on the tongue and inclusive (not a name of an ethnicity).

That's being a little silly, abowe. It wouldn't be just a simple bit of noise coming out of people's mouths to the Azeris, Kurds, Lurs, Arabs, Turkmens, Mazanis, Balochis and whatnot. And I find the rest even more silly, no offense intended. Just because your country has had some rough times or it's name has been connected to some rough stuff you should change your name to something more sexy? Plus, I'm not a fan of being so tourism oriented. I grew up in the Gulf and that sort of thing has outlived its welcome with me. Aiming for industry and self-sufficiency is more important than trying to hedge your bets on gaalo wanting to visit your country.

Names can change their meaning. They are just noises we make with our mouths. The old definition doesn't have to mean it forever.

Iran has terrible PR. It sounds like the basket case Iraq which also has a terrible reputation. It also sounds a bit like Aryan which the Nazis have destroyed branding wise.

Persia makes people think of Ancient History, Persian rugs, Persian cats. It is hard to demonize it.

Somalia also needs a rebranding. I would go for Azania. Easy on the tongue and inclusive (not a name of an ethnicity).

Azania? Is that a civilization we once had?


Azania? Is that a civilization we once had?

It's not a real place. It was some generic name used by Ancient Greek sailors for somewhere between Mogadishu and Mombasa.

Eritrea got its name from that book as well (periplus of the erythrean sea). Eritrea is a very nice name, but sadly they are destroying their rep by acting like Africa's North Korea. Still a nice name though.


It's not a real place. It was some generic name used by Ancient Greek sailors for somewhere between Mogadishu and Mombasa.

Eritrea got its name from that book as well (periplus of the erythrean sea). Eritrea is a very nice name, but sadly they are destroying their rep by acting like Africa's North Korea. Still a nice name though.
lets just call our country the horn. way better.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
It's not a real place. It was some generic name used by Ancient Greek sailors for somewhere between Mogadishu and Mombasa.

Eritrea got its name from that book as well (periplus of the erythrean sea). Eritrea is a very nice name, but sadly they are destroying their rep by acting like Africa's North Korea. Still a nice name though.

What they called the lands from the Bab al-Mandeb to Raas Xaafuun was not as sexy, eh? Barbaria.


But honestly, you'd be surprised how quickly countries can change perceptions with enough marketing. People are incredibly manipulatable with media. Give Somalia some time to stabilize and develop some touristy infrastructure if it wants and it won't be as hard as you might think if we can guarantee security. Even the Saudis who have a terrible reputation worldwide are trying their hand and not miserably failing:

I've noticed some friends here in the UAE actually enjoying going to places like Jeddah now and recommending I go visit as a tourist.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
No cap, I like the name "Berbers". Maghrebis robbed us. We used to be called "Berbera/Berberi" by the Muslim world during the Middle-Ages and a part of me wishes it stuck and that the Cushitic tongues were called Berber over CuSHITic. Barbaria and Abyssinia sounds cool, not gonna lie. But eh, no need to change.


No cap, I like the name "Berbers". Maghrebis robbed us. We used to be called "Berbera/Berberi" by the Muslim world during the Middle-Ages and a part of me wishes it stuck and that the Cushitic tongues were called Berber over CuSHITic. Barbaria and Abyssinia sounds cool, not gonna lie. But eh, no need to change.

Many Berbers get butthurt over this name (especially the more educated ones who know the meaning) and are insisting on Amazigh.

I have noticed that politically correct documentarians/TV channels mainly use the word Amazigh when talking about Berbers.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Many Berbers get butthurt over this name (especially the more educated ones who know the meaning) and are insisting on Amazigh.

I have noticed that politically correct documentarians/TV channels mainly use the word Amazigh when talking about Berbers.

Yes, I noticed this too. Can't blame them. Though, to be fair, it didn't truly mean "Barbarian" in the English sense. It was just a way to signify that the group were not Greek (and later Latin) speakers and thus spoke gibberish in the eyes of the Greeks ("Bar-Bar-Bar"). And because of their arrogance they used it to also signify any group outside of Hellenic and later also Roman civilization even when some of these groups had older civilizations than them or one comparable to theirs.
Azania is my favorite replacement name.

Even South African nationalists are trying to steal it. 25% chance South Africa might officially change its name to Azania this century.
We need to copyright the name those vicious South Africans don’t deserve that delicate name
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