Starting to miss Liido

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Xamar Living


@Mohamed Afrax hows life in the pearl? Went to liido yet?


Xamar Living
Bad idea to build so close to the beach, reduces the sand smh.
But that's an awesome view

Xamar beach is massive covering four districts liido has many spots that are empty

This pic was taking from a popular restaurant called liido restaurant and it sits literally a few yards from the ocean.

I remember sipping mango smoothies while enjoying the breeze :ahh:

I gotta go back this summer inshallah
I'm going to Afgooye this summer on a business trip hope the Xamar-Afgooye road will be done by the time I land in Xamar, can't wait wallahi :banderas::banderas::banderas::banderas:


Mudug menaces don't mince their words
Liido is overcrowded i don't go there anymore plus LiidoBeach restaurant needs to be demolished they're too close to the beach and the beach is supposed to be for the public, but i do go to Jasiira it is better than liido imo
Man that liido restaurant was way too close to the beach. But the restaurant itself was pretty lit, good food and lots of people from the diaspora are there.

When was the last time you went @saywalahi ?
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