The sultanate didn't conquer Bedouin Somalis and they were not some outside group.So the stuff about Imam Ahmed subjugating some nomadic Somali clans to fight for him is false? Cause I usually see that as an argument against Adal or Gurey not being Somali but I ignored it since I thought it was an isolated example since Somalis were the first people to answer the call of the Imam.
They were already within the sultanates and made up its army, the country side inhabitants alongside sedentary Somali clans.
The Imam was subjugating and fighting was the ones who were in the service and support of the Sultan. The sultanate was split into two factions , those who supported the Imam and those who supported the Sultan. Imam was leading a revolution btw, he was originally an Emir under the service of the Sultan himself.
Some of them supported the Sa'ad din faction with the sultan Abu Bakr and some supported Imam Ahmed. Imam Ahmed is figthing against the sultanate faction. Sometimes they were supporting different Emirs fighting. They are clashing with eachother throughout Futuh.