Somalilanders say they will Use terrorism as a means to dismantle the government

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Beesha ayub are threatening gorilla warfare in hargaysa if they don’t get their rights they say they will use terrorism to gain it by any means necessary

@draco malfoy :ooh:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Funny MJ's pray day &night for terror in SL. Subhanallah sick people.

Keep posting meaningless videos.
Have you even watched the video? It’s beesha ayub Isaac who have been discriminated against say they will use terrorism to gain their rights by blowing up hargeysa

I just posted it so don’t shoot the messenger :whoa:


I know what you wish for nigga
You want hear hargeisa burn
You want to see skinny niggas shouting ALLAH AKBAR! In the streets of hargeisa and hear kaboom after kaboom.

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
It's over for Somaliland as a possible nation due to greed by their elites and their tribal lackeys they have ruined their "nationalistic" unity, reer ictiraaf is now reer hebel. Due to the age of social media we can see these reactions manifest on Facebook and here on sspot people are openly against the ictiraaf project they have alienated a sizeable population of Somaliland. They will blame everyone and their father but the truth is they should look closer to home. Look at this xoolo @draco malfoy he can't even argue against what he is seeing before his very own eyes.
Whats worst than alienation is corruption and inefficiency.

Sometimes if leadership is effective and fair people can ignore the lack of representation in government.

Im pretty sure SL hasnt delivered to its people.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Muuse Biixi the dumbfuck has been a blessing in disguise :banderas:

Godane, the dead Alshabaab leader, was Ayub as well


Seeker of knowledge and truth
It's over for Somaliland as a possible nation due to greed by their elites and their tribal lackeys they have ruined their "nationalistic" unity, reer ictiraaf is now reer hebel. Due to the age of social media we can see these reactions manifest on Facebook and here on sspot people are openly against the ictiraaf project they have alienated a sizeable population of Somaliland. They will blame everyone and their father but the truth is they should look closer to home. Look at this xoolo @draco malfoy he can't even argue against what he is seeing before his very own eyes.
What else do you expect from a guy that chose his username as a character from Harry Potter what a loser @draco malfoy:russ:
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