Somaliland recognition envoy to Washington warns the US on evil China's expansion plans in Horn and the need for SL recognition as an ally


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Somaliland is finally learning and considering the geo-politics and bidding super powers over each other for their benefit of gaining recognition might work, for their tiny traingle desert region on Northwest of Somalia

SLAND Oo Sheegtay Inay Ka Hor-tagayso Isballaadhinta Shiinaha Ee Afrika, Si Ay Taageero Uga Hesho Maraykanka​

Thursday December 30, 2021 - 09:18:31

"Waxanu Maraykanka u nimid in aanu tusno in aanu wada leenahay cadow kali ah 'Shiinaha'"
(HWN) – Dawladda Somaliland, ayaa Dawladda Maraykanka u soo bandhigtay qorsheyaasheeda la xidhiidha in laga hor-tago saamaynta Shiinaha ee Afrika, maaddaama oo ay Somaliland ku taallo Goob istaraatiiji ah oo xilligan Saamayntiisa laga dareemayo.

Wefti uu hoggaaminayey Wasiirka Arrimaha dibedda ee Somaliland oo booqasho ku tagay Washington, ayaa Dawladda Maraykanka uga warramay sida ay muhiim u tahay inuu Taageero Somaliland, maaddaama oo ay leeyihiin Cadow isku mid ah, kaasi oo ah Shiinaha oo xilligan faro-gelin ku haya Dalalka Afrika ee Somaliland ka mid tahay.

Warbaahinta Maraykanka oo soo xiganaya Safiirka Somaliland ee Magaalada Washington Bashiir Good, ayaa sheegay in Weftiga Somaliland oo la kulmay inta badan Laamaha Dawladda Maraykanku uu soo bandhigay dood macquul ah, taasi oo mudan in Maraykanku u dhego-nuaado.

"Waxanu Maraykanka u nimid in aanu tusno in aanu wada leenahay cadow kali ah ‘Shiinaha’, qorshahayaga guudna uu yahay in aanu ku soo dhawaano Dimuquraadiyada iyo suuqa dhaqaale ee Maraykanka” ayuu Warbaahinta Maraykanka u sheegay Safiirka Somaliland ee Maraykanka Ambassador Bashir Good

Safiirku wuxuu sheegay in Somaliland ka shaqaynayso sidii ay door ugu yeelan lahayd dedaallada Dawladaha Dimuqraadiga ah ee Maraykanku ka mid yahay ugu jiraan in la joojiyo Saamaynta Shiinaha ee Afrika "Anagu waxaanu joojinaynaa is ballaadhinta iyo saamaynta Shiinaha ee Geeska Afrika, sidaas darteed waananu istaahilaa taageerada Washington” ayuu Bashir hadalkiisi sii raaciyay.

Just wishful thinking.

I know I’m hardly impartial, but I truly don’t get how access to Berbera port is a compelling reason for US to recognise SL. They already have Djibouti on lock and they could always build ports on Puntland that also has access to Red Sea and has a way longer coast line. The benefits would be marginal and the costs (future conflict, illegal etc) would be astronomical.
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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Just wishful thinking.

I know I’m hardly impartial, but I truly don’t get how access to Berbera port is a compelling reason for US to recognise SL. They already have Djibouti on lock and they could always build ports on Puntland that also has access to Red Sea and has a way longer coast line. The benefits would be marginal and the costs (future conflict, illegal etc) would be astronomical.

Most of Somaliland politicians don't have any political experience or possess any international law degrees or studied abrod even, they don't have any international contacts or matual friends in other government outside their triangle borders.

This is main reason their politicians fell short to sell SL seccison from Somalia during the height of Somalia's civil war(1991-2004)

Fast forward now and the same failed SL statuse quo benefitors are now trying to convince Taiwan is better ally than the China just because they got paid a hefty amount by them.
Somaliland is now a global player thanks to Taiwan, it's our pleasure to offend the Chinese. Even the Chinese could not believe what we have done to them. Not only did we give Taiwan a representative office with it's own preferred name. but we also humiliated the Chinese ambassador of Somalia he waited 5 days in a hotel to meet the Somaliland president. No one received him until he called his boss in Beijing.
Somaliland is now a global player thanks to Taiwan, it's our pleasure to offend the Chinese. Even the Chinese could not believe what we have done to them. Not only did we give Taiwan a representative office with it's own preferred name. but we also humiliated the Chinese ambassador of Somalia he waited 5 days in a hotel to meet the Somaliland president. No one received him until he called his boss in Beijing.
How old are you? The most deluded and gullible group of Somalis are without doubt Landers. Chinas current gdp as for 2021 ,$16.86 trillions. Chinas current power purchasing parity $27.07 trillion. And their gdp per capita is around 12000💲. And you’re taking about humiliating China ?
How old are you? The most deluded and gullible group of Somalis are without doubt Landers. Chinas current gdp as for 2021 ,$16.86 trillions. Chinas current power purchasing parity $27.07 trillion. And their gdp per capita is around 12000💲. And you’re taking about humiliating China ?
You can keep twerkin for em all you want, but around here that don’t mean shiiettt. Since you wanna bring up gdp’s; Keep in mind that y’all are adding to their gdp by getting finessed like some peons. Your government is giving them all Somalia’s fish for a million dollars which they’re gone gonna turn around and flip for multi-billions of $$$. 🤦🏾‍♂️
How old are you? The most deluded and gullible group of Somalis are without doubt Landers. Chinas current gdp as for 2021 ,$16.86 trillions. Chinas current power purchasing parity $27.07 trillion. And their gdp per capita is around 12000💲. And you’re taking about humiliating China ?

Did I say china is not an economy powerhouse. I just stated the fact that we offended china more than any other country in Africa and they failed to bribe us . To insult their injuries we are even planning a joint military exercise with Taiwan in zaylac just few km away from their only military base in Africa (Djibouti) . In comparison you sold your entire maritime resources to china for 1 million dollar per year. Who is the fool here ??????
Never understood the internal argument against succession when you cant govern. If the government cant govern what argument can be made against the people being able to govern themselves.

Anyone here able to make it?

Please have a go
Never understood the internal argument against succession when you cant govern. If the government cant govern what argument can be made against the people being able to govern themselves.

Anyone here able to make it?

Please have a go

Thinking out loud

The only answer somone may give is. Go without governance and for 30 years and with no end. But for what? If theres no end then it would be "go without governance for no governance".( Im trying to work the rationale here?) .

In that case (for the argument to win) the argument for no governance would have to be made i.e how "no governance is better than governance". But that argument would be made by the people arguing or wanting governance eventually in (a case scenario) of a greater somalia.

And then the argument would have to be made for a country not to have governance (because it been proved governance is bad) but then a country would be wanted which needs governance leading even worse to "is a thing a country" if there is no governance.
How old are you? The most deluded and gullible group of Somalis are without doubt Landers. Chinas current gdp as for 2021 ,$16.86 trillions. Chinas current power purchasing parity $27.07 trillion. And their gdp per capita is around 12000💲. And you’re taking about humiliating China ?
China has a 100 years of humiliation and national prestige of never again. This is why Taiwan is a soft spot and they bribe countries (for example nicaragua this week switched sides) to move from Taiwan to the CCP.

Anyone, even a unrecognized SomaliLand, choosing Taiwan will get a reaction from China.

They are not the west. The east has a culture of Face and prestige, they have shyness and hate humiliation. So Yes, any country can Humiliate them and get a reaction by saying something about China-Taiwain, China-Tibet/Budhists, China-Uighyr/Muslims etc.

They are mad at Lithuania for speaking about China.
Did I say china is not an economy powerhouse. I just stated the fact that we offended china more than any other country in Africa and they failed to bribe us . To insult their injuries we are even planning a joint military exercise with Taiwan in zaylac just few km away from their only military base in Africa (Djibouti) . In comparison you sold your entire maritime resources to china for 1 million dollar per year. Who is the fool here ??????
You see now why I called you the most deluded people of all Somalis ”planning a joint military exercise with Taiwan in zaylac” few km from their base. Bro I don’t know wether you are 11 years old or not.
You see now why I called you the most deluded people of all Somalis ”planning a joint military exercise with Taiwan in zaylac” few km from their base. Bro I don’t know wether you are 11 years old or not.

We have the rights to do military exercise in our home with who ever we want. What can china do to us ? nothing . And even if they try to punch us we gonna cry for help 😀


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

Somaliland Resists Chinese Influence in Africa as It Seeks US Recognition

Somtribune Africa
January 15, 2022

The self-declared state of Somaliland is seeking US recognition as it pitches itself as a counterweight to Chinese influence in the Horn of Africa.

There have been growing calls for Washington to set up a representative office in Somaliland, which welcomed a congressional staff delegation to its capital Hargeisa in mid-December.
Diplomats and observers have said that in return for opening a diplomatic office, or formal diplomatic recognition, the port of Berbera could help the United States diversify away from neighbouring Djibouti, where China has a military base and has funded and built ports and free-trade zones.

President Musa Bihi Abdi said at the time of the US fact-finding mission, mostly composed of Republican staff, that Somaliland was committed to working with democratic nations such as the US.
“We profoundly discussed Somaliland-US relations, stability, development, vibrant democracies and elections,” Abdi said.
The visit came a month after Somaliland Foreign Minister Essa Kayd Mohamoud and special envoy Edna Adan Ismail led a delegation to meet Washington officials.
Besides making a case for recognition, the delegation wanted Washington to remove it from its inclusion in the State Department’s “Level 4: Do not travel” classification for Somalia, citing harm to its economy.

In return for recognition, Somaliland has welcomed investment from American business and also promised Washington that it will resist Chinese influence in the Horn of Africa.
Bashir Goth, head of mission in Washington told Politico that the delegation had gone to the US “to show we have the same enemy and our long-term strategy is to be closer to democratic and market economies like the US”.

He also said: “We are countering China and Chinese influence in Africa and we ask for US help.”
Taiwan, which China considers as a breakaway province, opened a representative office in Hargeisa in August 2020. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen described it “an important milestone for the Taiwan-Somaliland partnership”, but the move drew strong protests from Beijing.

Djibouti, Ethiopia and Turkey have consulates in Hargeisa while Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya and the European Union all have offices there as well.
Although Somaliland split from Somalia 30 years ago, it lacks international recognition and has set up representative offices in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sweden, the UAE, Britain and the US in a bid to win international support.
Analysts say that as China increases its presence in the Horn of Africa – especially Djibouti, where it has funded and built ports and free-trade zones, as well as established its first overseas naval base – the US could use Berbera, a port on the Gulf of Aden, to diversify away from Djibouti.

Although the US has a military base in Djibouti, recognising Somaliland would bring “significant” benefits “starting with allowing Washington to diversify away from Djibouti, a country on which it is overly reliant and that is increasingly under Chinese influence”, according to a report last year by Joshua Meservey, a senior policy analyst for Africa and the Middle East at the Heritage Foundation think tank.

Meservey argued that Beijing’s “unparalleled influence in [Djibouti] has already impeded American operations – and positions China to shut down US activity in the case of a confrontation between the two countries”.

Analysts and former US diplomats have said it is time to recognise Somaliland. Robert O’Brien, the former US national security adviser, said recognising Somaliland as an independent country “is a key step in stemming the Chinese Communist Party’s rising tide on the continent and would show other nations that there is an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative in East Africa and around the world”. “When a free and developing nation stands up to China and rejects its tainted aid, the United States should make every effort to help it succeed, particularly when in a strategically vital region.

Somaliland is one such country and deserves both US recognition and assistance,” he said.
Guled Ahmed, a non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute, said the recent developments “show a new US Horn of Africa geopolitical momentum building that could lead to at least the US government opening a diplomatic office in Hargeisa”.

He said the US could be eyeing maritime development and a security partnership in the Gulf of Aden and perhaps recognition in near future. Somaliland has already signed oil exploration development with Genel Energy and Taiwan CPC Corporation via a public-private partnership.

“US companies will likely follow suit since US oil companies formally own drilling rights of some of Somaliland’s oil blocks,” Ahmed said. Ahmed said that from China’s point of view, “Somaliland recognising or having diplomatic relations with Taiwan is a threat to its maritime silk road and Belt and Road Initiative, and it will disrupt its illegal fishing activities within the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean”. The Chinese ambassador to Somalia, Fei Shengchao, has dismissed reports that Chinese companies were engaged in illegal fishing in Somali territorial waters, adding that China fully respects the country’s sovereignty.

“Fishing cooperation is based on mutual agreement. It contributes millions of dollars to Somalia with no strings at all. There are those who don’t want to see a penny paid to Somalia and keep muddying the water to ‘fish’ for themselves,”

Fei tweeted on December 27. Yun Sun, director of the China programme at the Stimson Centre in Washington, said “the voice that calls for recognition is higher than before”. But she said the reason for Somaliland and Taiwan’s current relationship was their respective lack of international recognition. “If the US recognises Somaliland, more countries will follow suit,” Sun said.

“I doubt China will reject the idea. And if China is willing to extend diplomatic recognition of Somaliland, what leverage does Taiwan still have?

However, the US policy had been to follow the lead of the African Union, which up to this point had not favoured recognition of Somaliland as an independent country, said David Shinn, a former US diplomat in Ethiopia and professor at George Washington University. “It treats Somaliland as part of Somalia.

While there is considerable sympathy for Somaliland in the United States, I am not aware there is any intention to change US policy on this matter,” Shinn said. “There probably are some members of Congress that favour recognition of Somaliland, but this is a decision made by the executive branch. “So long as Somaliland is not recognised by any country, this is not a major issue. If Somaliland were to receive diplomatic recognition from a number of countries, China would be concerned that Somaliland might officially recognise Taiwan. China would react badly to such a development.”
South China Morning Post
