Somaliland Af-Gashin In Garowe Freely Supports Muse Bihi

What are you on about. British somaliland joined italian somalia in the 60's.

Somaliland has never existed as a sovereign state.

Snm were no mujahidiin, they wanted to separate themselves afterwards.

Mujahidiin would have brought a new gov forward.

The constitution of the somali republic is the only constitution walaal.

Did they brainwash you too?

Coup plotters and successionist are not the same walaal.
There was separate penal codes and even in education after the unification that lasted upto the 70s when the kacaan regime brought it all under one governing law or law you should have known this but apparently not all Somalis know that kk.

SNM never called or fought for the restoration of Somaliland that only came after the fiasco in Mogadishu that led to the civil war and the people who returned back from refugee camps called for and demanded the union be dissolved after what the people have experienced from the ruthless regime.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Traitor is the one who hired foreign mercenaries to bomb his own people and cities sxb :)
How about being supported by the ethiopians huh.

Snm became traitorous when they tried to break the republic in two.

Both ucs and snm are traitors in that regard.

The republic still feels the damage that occurred decades ago. Hell even al shabaab became stronger because of this shit.

So yeah traitors that deserve the death penaly by law.

Even sl penal code must state it. Otherwise who wrote that damn piece of paper
How about being supported by the ethiopians huh.
Afweyne normalized relations with derg regime where Mogadishu dropped its claims to k5 in exchange of ending support to SNM only for him to realize the rebels already had plans on how to liberate their lands with most of the rural towns falling under the movements control in 1988 :)

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Afweyne normalized relations with derg regime where Mogadishu dropped its claims to k5 in exchange of ending support to SNM only for him to realize the rebels already had plans on how to liberate their lands with most of the rural towns falling under the movements control in 1988 :)
Bro i am going to be real with you.

I was trolling you , haven't had a laugh of this kind in a while 😅😅