Somalia Political Crisis Solution Found

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We just need a formidable leader like Siyad Barre with a mix of ISIMO like Majerten. That is strong partnership. The Isimo ensure the locals behave and the leader progresses the state. What Siyad did in 20 years is proof what a real leader does, what has any leader in Somalia done in 20 years? jack shit in comparison. Yet the time they all had is similar. If you were to to do a math's equation on Somali leaders today. You would need 1000 Somali leaders with 4 year terms each to match Siyad contribution. Infact if we break up Siyad Barre 21 years into 4 year blocs and see what was produced in each 4 year cycle, you will see an extreme mathamatical deviation.

One leader and Siyad barre productivity and outcomes. Because what Siyad did in his 21 years, speaks quite loudly. Majerten Isimo are very respectful of the 'division' of politics and traditions, similar to the 'queen' of england and her government the 'prime minister', there is a distinct line and differing roles and respect for one another duties.

It's not similar to Somaliland where the ISIMO are 'politicians' apart of the government process, the notorious 'gurti'. WTF this would cause our isimo to lose so much respect and be seen as 'political' and not 'traditional'. So there is your solution to Somalia. There is no people as well controlled by their ISIMO like Majerten.

Warsangeli might scores next(but they got issues also) but I don't see their sultan ever delving into political matter and stays clearly on clan matters similar to Majerten. Dhulbahante would score very low as their clan elders are very political and hence the crisis inside dhulbahante. Hawiye forget about it, they don't even step in and simply stop the bloodshed of their people which is not political matter, it's a clan matter. Politicians don't deal with clan matters, that is a ISIMO role.

Politicians can't unite a clan and anyone who think Farmajo can do such a thing is wishful thinking. He needs respected and influential ISIMO to do such thing and ensure the people are stable and not chimping out. From there a leader is judged on how much he produces within his time. I can't wait for the Qardho reconciliation this is a huge step forward if Somalis attend and learn how to be REAL KINGS.


God bless Majertens. Never before have a clan sat down freely with no 'guns' or violence and 'forgave each other and then created an agreement' without force or violence in 1998. Nothing similar to Isaaq that ran around with SNM and Guns and shit. That's no fkn agreement, that's CHIMPS. It's basically what USC did also. Look at them now, constantly in clan-warfare or in SL situation on the brink constantly cuz you started pretty bad matey u started chimping out, u gonna die chimpin out. Chimpin out indicates a low iq.

Anyone expecting politicians to settle clans is dreaming lol. If you don't have ISIMO, your FUCKED. noone is gonna save u nor is another clan going to be your ISIMO. That's whole point of isimo to reduce conflict and maintain peace. Politicians just deal with progress.


Yo @Crow PL did some wonderful things bro. They have a very good isimo so I will never fear 'bloodshed' in Puntland not something like what's happened in Somalia scale. But we do have a problem, our politicians are not great or gifted which is stalling our progress. It's 20 years and they haven't done much at all and to ignore this is ludicurous.

The Isimo have done their job, the politicians haven't and someone needs to clearly point this out. They have handed a peaceful and unite people to the government.


Imagine we had a leader like Siyad and all Somali Isimo were like Majerten? this nation would move forward so quickly. Let's create an ISIMO training school for Somalis in Qardho and teach them what ISIMO do, the reason they are needed, and the fine-line between clan and politics. They need to know an Isimo never gets involved in a government or ever speaks on such matters if it doesn't cause a 'clan' conflict. They need to know where-ever there is a conflict an ISIM has to resolve it not politician. If it's individual matter though the justice system will deal with them, how-ever if it's a clan matter, the ISIM can only deal with it cause we can't jail a whole clan. However Isimo in the south I noticed protest when one of their boys is arrested by the government. This is not an ISIM role, that is an individual matter not a clan matter.

They need to learn their A B C of how to be respected royalty. Qardho Isimo Training Institute. There you go reer qardhood you will be doing something productive and leaving a lasting impact and more legacy for puntland and it's contribution.

I don't think these guys in Somalia ever had any sort of administration before or else why don't they know such basics, I see them doing wild shit their ISIMO and I am not even a fkn isim and know that's not how they OPERATE.
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