@DR OSMAN You're right. One of the top priorities is to invest in human capital.
What you said that the government should learn to customize their affairs and systems based on social and cultural behavior of the people for more effectiveness and optimal performance is right on track. Copying other more functional systems but excluding the highly divergent standardized norms in that society which has been a more organic gradual change will result in many ineffective outcomes. The only thing we could completely copy is the attitude towards the theoretical and practical assessment of knowledge.
You write some interesting stuff. And on the point of gold, it is basically the best way to value your currency. A gold-standard economy creates price stability (not inflation), fixed international exchange rates, and it prevents the government from transferring wealth from creditor to debtor.
There are speculated some downsides to it also.
Gold is a rare commodity, but common enough to be used. It does not corrode over time (non-reactive to other elements), and humans are attached to how it feels and looks.What I mean is store it, so if we lose our economy in 200 years, we just pull it out to buy something else. I am sure it will still be stable commodity, it's lasted 5000 years since the pharoahs, that's a pretty good track record. Notice all the pharoah walls with those african people bringing GOLD. That's stupid or else he must of been WORTH it and they traded knowledge in return and updated our languages with new concepts.