Somalia in solidarity with Saudi Arabia position in OPEC+ move to reduce oil production


Forza Somalia!
Why? I know that this will have no significant effect on us, but why, did Saudia asked for it? There is no point or value for our soldarity in the eyes of USA or KSA, accept showing ourselves in stages that we don't belong
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Let him cook
Good question. america is already pissed at Saudi Arabia and looking to punish them. Strange we would take different stance from our biggest donor and contributor America
It's all the fault of Halane(cia). They made HSM do this so there would be a conflict between the US and Somalia. Damn those Halane bastards!
I swear the Saudis and the whole world are laughing at this stupid tweet tweeted by uneducated official with no High school diploma run ministry :mjlol:
Good obedient slaves, listen to whatever Saudi says or decides
"I am related to the prophet! You listen to what I say you abid!"

It's not that simple.

Saudi Arabia is one of the places Somali traders export Camels to. They are our main trading partner so of course Somalia has to keep them on-side.