Somalia American Interest Lies With Democrats


I assessed them very well for us to ensure our policies are aligned towards 'strategic' areas. Do I like their policies(some socialist part) not the 'social justice' 'jambal' that only they benefit from as a new industry not the actual persecuted, nothing changes for them, their like another 'card' basically.

That's something that is outside my ancestor value-set, we don't bother with the weak, look at how we treat 'Bantu' or the enslaved black population not much persecution beyond 'social' nonsense, their not a 'threat' to our survival, we know them, we know their weakness, we know our middle man origins for the 'arab' partner in the coast who 'set' up shop for us and eventually let us take over or 'mixed' control system.

They were not going into the 'interior' as civilized fear the 'unknown' and it was our 'lifeline' to get a job and we played our role, everyone has a right to survive when an opportunity shows itself. Arabs are not equipped to handle 'heathens, pagans, gallas' They are aware of them due to it's early founding but as it became more civilized they preferred a 'wall' approach like harar and they never ventured to deep into 'europe' in it's dark-age, people know their weakness and strength and it's leaders who ensure policies are guided for survival.

Look how the Mongols treated them. See arabs don't have a 'solution' for pagans as their built to compete with 'dawla and nidaam' not 'vikings' and 'gallas' and 'mongols' as they have no use for these beasts they can't farm, they have no real skill, they have no value added knowledge beyond 'I will destroy you' is their unity card among themselves so we all go back to how it was and should be. We did our work loyally, efficiently, we learned the 'interior' of Africa well. The hard part was the 'desert boys' once pushed thru, it was a 'pimp playground' lol or basically 'products' that were 'expensive' back in the day. It's not hate, that's a lie, it's business. The market sets what it wants and if your society doesn't know how it fits in, well you may become the product yourself. These ancients didn't have time for nonsense as human rights didn't exist or any general world order.

People had 'different 'axis and control on maritime routes and 'territorial' important locations on-land(silk road) benefited lots from that land link between europe and asia, look at it now, is this what u want for Somalia if the 'red sea' goes? God looked down and threw us in the right place of the world to evolve and grow and we did, except when the new global world order came as their no shared history to talk about that isn't 'positive' or legacies to refer to as that ensures 'u got something to lose' if you play games not 'me'.

This is the one world order we are not adjusting too and we need to get back and going in the spirit of our ancestors god dammit, we are not empire, we are 'maritime' nation location, God already gave us head-start because he may have had pity on us and s aid when the 'real knowledge' comes by, cut quick deals or 'terrorize' them for using the lane-way lol, it worked. We inherited a-lot with that principle but we are not doing it as much today as we are not comfortable in this 'unusual world order' of people and nations we don't know


The reason I say Democrat. Listen that is the 'heart' and 'mind' of that nation. The rural ones are no different to any other part of the world, it rides on their back. He isn't viable partner. New York(finance)-Cali(minds)-DC(politic), Academia(research). We need these niggas, don't even listen to republican voters as their reverting back to the same 'emotion' card u r.

We need to learn 'science' in 'security' field so we can address our vision of 'security independence' and we need to be very 'close' with them, there u go. See u can align a vision(security policy) and know who to 'target' segment by segment in nation mind-wallet-politics. Their very 'smart' people their voters but it doesn't 'sit' well with our 'chaotic' minds tho which is what I want Somalis to flee from you can't combat chaos with chaos, it's not an 'edge' and that's where we lose the most(3 sacke sultanates) boys never forget it

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
That’s what we thought with Ilhan but the qumayo turned out to be a LGBT adulterous shame. Can’t trust another Somali democrat again


Our arab partnership doesn't need 'enhancing' it's already established well with the ones who count anyways and the turks. We need more. China hasn't been strong but sending our kids to learn 'stocism' not crying, showing poker faces and emoti smiles kkkk is showing fear. I like the ppl stoicism. Europe wallahi is not good place for relationship besides Ireland and our Shared struggle with wild kings wanting overlords and we share our similar stories maybe different but the goals are identical


India is potential partner for schools and access to security technology knowledge if white man plays his old games. Democrats are poker face ppl that's their only flaw so u may play the hold u out on rope type shit. Back up ensure students are sent for relevant studies for our security policy. India-China at least is a 'start' so we can reach maturity level before we think America and Israel.

As I am very security focused as it decides everything not economies. Even if we reach india level in terms of security expertise and China(tech) meaning 'concepts' not 'buying' as they will own u still as they can upgrade while u cant. Then slowly build our personal 'arsenal' god knows what india has and china just cause they dont tell u doesnt mean its just nukes, that's your line of defence u lay it all out in the event of war and say 'good luck' somaliyay but it was the best planning i could've of done to ensure ur success. I dont fear economy as WE HAVE HISTORY TO COMPARE AGAINST AND SEE MODERN MARKET TRICKS. BUT I FEAR WERE U LACKED THE KNOWLEDGE ERA.

If u dont like that then at least accept your current role and drive maximum value policy, switching sides, who cares as long as you winning, u want to do picket fencing of somaliland and society all just botting it world wide like black lives matters? I dont want that for my people, its defeat mentally
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@Awdalia Rising I noticed Indians are able to go to 'west' thru the education faciliities(it takes lots of years and experience tho) as they make the 'shurud' 'more bang for value' for capitalist in west to reduce cost and get more expertise. We cud have a pool or segment of our population follow that model to start that 'Indian Model' approach. But I prefer strong designed economy internally which can be done and conceptually shown 'visually' if you like 'visuals' once I hire out my 'visual' artist or whatever crap they use to make 'words' easy to convert to 'pictures' of if u want a simple 'real life tour' of a modern economy stage by stage to see how 'mature and complex' it becomes over times not at the beginning stages that is the(huge growth stage) of the cycle they love 'pouncing' in capitalist. The middle-later cycle are not 'attractive' stage. It's similar to the old world my 'father' tells me that his 'awoowe' used to teach him about coastal settlers knowledge.


@Awdalia Rising I personally want nothing to do with Scandenevia-Germany-Southern Europe(except italy for history sakes). England is my ancestors enemy, when I hear someone say their of that origin, they remind me of what they did to my ancestors and I have no love for her/him but I am civil and study them.

Why u think I am telling Somalis to ally with Irish. Niggas warred 1000 years with them, way naga horeeyeen gumaysigeeda and they 'WON'. You want proof? who found democrat party

Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in the Waxhaws region of the Carolinas. His parents were Scots-Irish colonists Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson, Presbyterians who had emigrated from present day Northern Ireland two years earlier.

Their like Yasin Ali Sharmarke of SYL for the Democrats in America. Nigga built the strongest nation in the world and is 'coming' back for her 'ass' in London and I will love to help increase his strategic importance due our shared history with the (even tho mine was shorter). It found by the 'right founder' he would've vision worked the shit to see where it 'routes' too like visionaries do. Plus look at their profile in America if they left, america is no different to somalia.. U need to defend your values or u stand for nothing like african american thats what u become in the end. U need to cut deals niyahow not play flip flop

But my most extreme hate is for jews their interference historically is what cause my ancestors pain, they must pay the price, I AM ANTI SEMITE AND PROUD OF IT


Andrew Jackson is like Yasin Ali Sharmarke the 'brain' behind it, he stepped away and put them on ship direction, who 'steers' the party is irrelevant to the ultimate location a strong under-class coming for the queen of england was his issue, I will sacrifice her for 'jews' due to amhara pact which means my DEATH. We must assist the party and inject real policies beyond social justice protests and finding dirt on republicans, death defying BLOW who is holding them to protect that and wat she stood for. OOPS I have to be nice and not display my real intention, why? u think i havent worked it out that u got nowhere to hide? we can emulate same tactic of irish in africa and check mate that fuckin habash with strong socialist empowered boy who hates royalty


I like Donald Trump tho as it appears more 'real' even tho it's still following 'staged' poker face format which he has to cuz they see their style of politics as holes or image issue, Somali urbanites and costal class are like that also image driven, personal shaming, etc.

I am thankfully from rural background family so our values are not the same even tho it's the 'base' of th nation and how it sprung up you may be using urbanite/coastal knowledge posture or poke face, but the frank, fierce, advice based on data and evidence and proving shit in practical environment is still in me, even if I read knowledge, if it can't be proven practically I don't even bring it up.

It was real life shit out there in desert, u don't have time for poker faces especially in their old times our ancestors lived. I see the huge shift of minds in my father(rural) and mother(urbanite) one image driven like hamaris and one 'war toos' ama 'waqti looma haayo sheeko iyo been' the world is moving forward, lets not get left behind, I think their all like that as they want 'hikma, knowledge' or something or else, listen I prefer to do something else 'useful' type of people weeye


I would apply a rule in PL just as suggestion to trial

1. If someone lacks 10 years rural experience in puntland not 'city', let them not run for office as they don't know the culture, values, principles to protect, promote. What was essentially handed down for u to ensure it survives and if u don't want to protect it, then what r u doing on the land that held us where we are?
2. Urban experience and skilled in some real 'sector' and real measurable proof of his time and value ratio on his previous projects to show he is go getter not talker
3. Diaspora and good grasp of world knowledge history-past-present-future. Stop assuming start studying and finding links of opportunity that align well to your values, principles, culture and cutting deals for ur policy goals(u need real brain for this) not leader he just 'drives' it thru
4. Stocism personality and in-difference no hate, love, or any emotional attachments as it can be used
against u. Like the Chinese, u can't read the emotion and study for tactics to get them in quantum loop for each emotion be it cry, scream, hate, etc

Criteria noocasi hadi aadan keenin the liklihood of a 'gun' is minimal
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Maybe to be inclusive for all Puntites we can bend the first rule as it does isolate segments of the populace and the 'knowledge' cud be anywhere and by limiting the pool, u limit the chances of 'jackpot' which is rare 'century' from my calculations on those who left real 'legacies' I can see, hear, touch till today either mentally in ppl thru ideas or thru the land or thru their knowledge add whatever sector but(security one impresses the most as the need is highest priority for PL as they operate better not being in fear) which has been a possible 'achhille' heels to our political strategy. We good at the 'boots' stuff if we 'get equipped' there is no point turning whats a strength into a more strength. It's single point of failure for u as they see you 'lack maskax' and they focus there lol. 3 sacked sultantaes(adal, ajuran, somalia govt) the impact can be measured century losses of opportunities as u went back to free man principles(yes thats the value)

But back to ensuring cultural knowledge of our candidates. Maybe we can expand the pool to urban,coastal,rural knowledge levels 'of high proficency' at least know the area u master and your environment. Parties can have this principle backing it also. I know the rural guy is who I wud vote for but you never know if the coastal guy has a more real policy and can prove how it will be executed same with coastal. It becomes more fairer and u widen the pool of knowledge but the success rate 'urban/coastal/ in my opinion isnt great. Reer miyi guy abdillahi turned this nation back around. Siyad was the same. Sharmarke all remembered their roots when developing policies and goals(which was land grab in that era). I am not confident with urbanites-coastal even though they laid the foundation their not as (survivalist mode)

