Somali romance dies after 35


True love never dies, it’s just expressed differently as time progresses in different stages. Initial love, compatible love followed by true love. All of its forms are so beautiful:)
Lol, if I even make it to the age of 35 with wife and kids then alhamdulilah I’ll be blessed. There’s more to life than just romance, it’s a big world out there with lot of things to do to satisfy your spouse.if I do end up worrying about romance with my wife then I’ll leave it to allah and things will work out in the end.🙂

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
somali men are 99% homo romantic. They kiss and hug their male friends and go on group dates with them. A little less are homosexual and there’s a large overlap between the two groups.

60% of Arabs are homosexual. They’re much less homoromantic than Somali men.

The troll post would have been good but come on, kissing? Saying Arabs are less homos who actually kiss males on their cheeks? This is foul slander farahslayer, propaganda if you will.


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