Somali parliament building

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Cool, but you meant Somalia not Somali.

Somali = a large ethnic group, that reside different places and countries in the horn of Africa
Somalia = a country

Somali parliament is the correct term to describe the Somali parliament..
Anything and everything Somali can only be claimed by those that associate themselves with the Somali heritage.

You on the other hand unlike all other Somalis in the horn identify yourself as a somalilander and therefore have no right on anything Somali.

Somali parliament is the correct term to describe the Somali parliament..
Anything and everything Somali can only be claimed by those that associate themselves with the Somali heritage.

You on the other hand unlike all other Somalis in the horn identify yourself as a somalilander and therefore have no right on anything Somali.


Cool, but you meant Somalia not Somali.

Somali = a large ethnic group, that reside different places and countries in the horn of Africa
Somalia = a country
You're right I suggest we give it a new name. The Somalia and Somaliland Parliament building, Somaliland's parliament to keep it short since we both share that colonial name.
Gudoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliya Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan (Jawaari) oo la hadlay Warbaahinta Dowladda ayaa sheegay in dhawaan dib u dhis lagu sameyn doono Aqalka Golaha Shacabka.

Jawaari, ayaa sheegay xarunta Golaha Shacabka inay tahay madal sharafeed ay ku shaqeeyaan xubnaha Baarlamaanka Somaliya, isaga oo ay ka muuqato marxalad bur bur xooggan ah.

Jawaari ayaa yiri “Gurigaas waa guri sharaf leh, magaciisa waxaa la yiraahdaa Golaha Ummadda, wuxuuna mudan yahay in uu yeesho guri u dhigma (meeqaamkiisa) oo magaalo madaxda ka dhex muuqda, lacag badan ayuu u baahan yahay, waxaa is weeydiin mudan sababta aan u dhex fadhino isaga oo jajaban”.

Jawaari ayaa intaasi ku daray in xikmaddu tahay in maadaamaa ay dadka burburiyeen, in ay ku waano qaataan, maalin kastana ay xusuus u noqoto marka ay burburkiisa arkaan, si aanan markale loo burburin, isaga oo xusay in sida gurigaas uu u burburay, dadkuna maskaxdooda u burburtay.

Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in bilowga sanadka soo socda dhisme lagu bilaabi doono xarunta Golaha Shacabka.

Biloowga sanadka soo socda dumis ayaa lagu bilaabaa, lacag badan ayuu u baahan yahay, wajiga koowaad oo kaliya waa $60 milyan oo doolar, 7 dabaq ayuu noqonayaa oo Xildhibaan kasta uu xafiiskiisa gaarka ah leeyahay, oo labada aqalba ay galayaan, shirarka adduunkana lagu qabanayo, illaa 100 milyan waa gaaraa, hadda ma hayno lacag, balse alle mahadiis dowladda Turkiga ayaa ogolaatay in ay bixiso.” ayuu yiri Prof Jawaari.

$ 100 million for corrupt mfkers to chill in :bell:


Self imposed exile
The flagship headquarters of our country being built by others is not something we should want.

Sure we can't afford it at the moment but why not just simply live within our means until we build it ourselves?

Don't want it to end like the AU building filled with spy bugs.

Also our corrupt MPs never attend so who are they building for?
The flagship headquarters of our country being built by others is not something we should want.

Sure we can't afford it at the moment but why not just simply live within our means until we build it ourselves?

Don't want it to end like the AU building filled with spy bugs.

Also our corrupt MPs never attend so who are they building for?

Is it being built rn or is the decision still to be made?


Self imposed exile
Is it being built rn or is the decision still to be made?

Don't have any info on it. I'm sure a quick Twitter search would let you know if the project is genuine.

Just check if any current or past ministers boasted about it since it's a national sport to accept charity in Geeljireland.
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