Somali girls getting Success

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I just want to express my gratitude once again to our Somali bros - AA women are always complaining about AA men not sticking up for them when people try and degrade them. Alhamdullilah it's lovely to see our Somali men don't have that problem. Defending your women shows pride in your people and only a self-hating khaniis *ahem* would want to degrade his mothers, sisters, daughters and aunts.

So blessed:kendrickcry::mjcry:
The Somali women's resilience and beauty is unmatched.
They're the glue that holds together our society.
The very foundation that nurture the existence of our traditions and people.
I long ago wondered how to best honor them.
I played with that thought for a second.
What if we changed the nation's flag to resemble the traditional garment of our women.
The yellow and red(Alindi), let there be the star of unity in the middle.
That would truly do the motherland justice.

May they be blessed as they bless us.

Asli Hassan Abade Somali first pilot female
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