Somali girls featured in amine’s new song


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
the only one I recognize is Amina (The one in the thumbnail) Wallahi i can’t believe how much she changed, I used to see her around Minneapolis in 2017. Now she’s in music videos looking like a little boy? im being honest, the bikini top doesn’t flatter her at all


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
But I’m not judging her. Maybe she has a better iman than all of us. I’m just being honest, im just surprised on how different this girl is. I don’t know. It’s like seeing your old friend be a whole nother person, of course I’m shook lol. May Allah guide us all


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
He's so fine

But girl, what's with the body shaming? There's nothing wrong with being skinny 🤨
Im not body shaming. If you took at as that then I’m sorry. I meant that her body was much more flatttering in other types of clothes.

don’t lie sis looks mad ugly in that top
the only one I recognize is Amina (The one in the thumbnail) Wallahi i can’t believe how much she changed, I used to see her around Minneapolis in 2017. Now she’s in music videos looking like a little boy? im being honest, the bikini top doesn’t flatter her at all
Lmaoo I know her too used to see her driving areound with a lander flag on her car


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
She looked so much better with hijab, it brightened her face

that top is NOT cute :ayaanswag: