Somali astrological, Scientific and Mathematical terms + their 1987 dictionaries

Space = Fagaagga
Space and Time = Fagaagga iyo Semen
Solar System = Iskujoogga qorraxda
The Solar System = Isku-joog qorraxeed
Galaxies = Diillimo-caanoodyo

Planets = Meerayaasha
Planet = Meere
Planet = Malluug

The Sun = Qorraxda
Moon = Dayax
Mercury = Dusaa
Venus = Waxaraxirta(Sugra) ama Bakool
Earth = Dhulka
Mars = Farraare
Jupiter = Cirjeex
Saturn = Raage
Uranus = Uraano
Neptune = Docay

Saturn rings = Garaangaraha Raage ama Saxal
Dwarf planet = meere-cillin ah
Nebulae = Ciiryamada xiddigaha
Crab Nebula = Ciiryaamada
Super Nova = Xiddig dhimanaaya

Asteroids = Dhadhaabyo
Comets = Dibdheeryo
Meteorider = Burburka jibinta ama xiddigaha ridma
Meteor = Jibin
Meteorites = cir-kasoo-dhac ama shiidmadoobe

Light Year = If-sanadeed
Black holes = Dalool-madowbaha
Open Universe = Koonka Furan
Closed Universe = Koonka Xiran
Expanding Universe = isbaahidda Koonka
Light = ifka
Speed of Light = Xawliga ifka
Cosmos = Koonka
Color Spectrum = shucaaca ilayska-ifka

Lunar Eclipse = Dayax-madoobaad
Solar Eclipse = Qorrax-madoobaad
Calendar = Shintiris-sanadeedka
Leap Year = Sanad shindhalad ah

Astronomy = Xiddiga'aqoonta
Astronomers = ogaalyahannada xiddigo-aqoonta
Satellite = Dayaxgacmeed
Navigation Satellites = Hagidda dayaxgacmeedyada
Space Exploration = Sahminta fagaagga sare adduunka
Earth-based observatories = Rugaha kuurgalka fagaagga dhulkaku Saldhigan
Research Centres = Rugo cilmibaaris
Spacecraft = Gaadiidka Cir-maaxidda
Spaceships = Maraakiibta cir-maaxidda
Robot Vehicle = Alaadaha dadoobisan
Telescope = Doorbin
Mirror = Biladdaye
Lenses = Quraarada cadaska
Zoom = Waxweyneynta
Observatories = Rugo-kuurgal

Spherical = Ugxan
Rotation = meerwareeg
Rotate = udub-wareeg
North Pole = Qudbiga waqooyi
South Pole = Qudbiga konfur
Northern Lights = Wirwirka Qudbiga woqoyi
Southern Lights = Wirwirka Qudbiga koofureede
Equator = dhulbaraha

Core = Bu'
Inner core = Bu’da gudo-xigeenka
Sulfuric Acid = aashitada kibriidka
Greenhouse effect = kulaylkaydinta

Astronomical unit = Halbeegga xiddigaha
Diameter = Dhexroorka
Formula = Hab-xisaabeed

Particles = bitaanbitooyin
Anti-Particles = lidka-bitaanbitooyinka
Particles = iniino
Nuclear reaction = iskushubmidda bu'aha
Magnetic Field = Birlabta
Charge electricity = Cabbeynta Shixnadaha Jacda

Gravitational Forces = cuf-isjiidashada ama xoogga-jiiddada
Gravity = Cuf-jiiddada
Circuit: Mareegta
Current= Qulqulka
Forces = Xoogag
Earth's gravity = Xoogga-jiiddada dhulka

Inertia Law = Xogta qaynuunka nuuxsi wax-negaadsan
Acceleration = Xowli
Response Act = Qaynuunka falka iyo falcelinta
Theory of Relativity = Fikriga isudhiganka
Quantum Theory = Fikriga imisada ama meeqada
Mass = Jir
Energy = Tabarta
Relative = Hadba Rogmada
Electromagnetic wavelengths = Dhererka hirarka ku danabeysan birlabta

Pyramids = Taallo-tiirriyaadyo
Zodiac = Cutubka Meecaad
Constellations = Cutubyada xiddigaha

Aries = laxo
Scorpion =daba-alleele ama dib-qallooc
Cancer = naaf
Gemeni = mataanaha
Virgo = afaggaal
Sagittarius = dameerajoogeen
Pleiades =Urur
Leo = Libaax

Capacitor = Madhxiye
Resistor = Caabiye
Diode = Laba Qotinle
Transformer = Dooriye

Socod Karaarsan = Accelerated Motion

Amin = Time

Barobax = Displacement

Fogaan = Distance

Karaar = Acceleration

Keynaan = Velocity

Xawaare = Speed

Celcelis = Average

Socod Winiin = Circular Motion

Barobax –xagleed = Angular Displacement

Gacan = Radius

Karaar –xagleed = Angular Acceleration

Keynaan –xagleed = Angular Velocity

Xoog = Force

Culeys = Weight

Xoog –cuf –isjiidad = Gravitational Force

Xoog –dilaac = Shear Force

Xoog –giigsan = Tensile Force (tension)

Xoog –islis = Frictional Force

Xoog –ligan = Normal Force

Xoog –taab = Tangential Force

Xoog –urrur = Compressive Force (compression)

Xoog –xudumeed = Centripetal Force

Weheliyaha isliska = Coefficient of Friction

Daafad = Momentum!!!

Daafad –xagleed = Angular Momentum

Gujo = Impulse

Gujo –xagleed = Angular impulse

Kalka = Period

Maroojin = Moment

Maroojinta Wahsiga = Moment of inertia (Angular mass)

Walhade = Pendulum

Tamar = Energy!!!!!!

Hawl = Work

Awood = Power

Tamar-keyd = Potential Energy

Tamar-socod = Kinetic Energy

Speed = Xawaare
Velocity = Kaynaan
Acceleration = Karaar (I think this is more appropriate than xowli and this is how i remember it from Fiisigiska)
Deceleration = Karaar-jab

Average Velocity: Kaynaan Celcelis
Momentum: Daabadayn
Diffusion: Saydhin
Capacitor: Madhxinta
Capacitance Capacitor: Madhxinta madhxiye
Radio Activity: Kaah
Infrared: Casaan Dhiimeed
Decay: Qudhmis
Decay series: Qudhmis isdaba Joog
Resistance: Iska caabin
Concave Mirror: Bikaaco Golxeed
Convex Mirror: Bikaaco Tuureed
Virtual Image: Humaag Beeneed
Real Image: Humaag runeed
Displace Ment: Baro bixin
Noble gases: Hawooyinka Wahsada
Vector: Leeb

Hir = Wave!!!!!!!!!

Daryan = Echo

Itaal = Intensity

Tooxda maqalka = Range of audibility

Danan = Pitch

Isku duba-dhac = Resonance

Ileys = Light !!!!!!

Noqod = Reflection

Daahfurran/gudbiye = Transparent

Falaar abaareed = Incident ray

Golxo = Concave

Tuur = Convex

Xagasha qiirqiirka = Critical angle

Xisaab MATHS!

Soomaali = English

Tiro = Number

Tiro tirsiimo = Natural number

Tiro idil = Whole number

Abyoone = Integer

Jajab/Tiro lakab = Rational number

Mutaxan = Prime

Farac = Composite

Tiro maangal ah = Real number

Tiro maangad ah = Imaginary number

Tiro kakan = Complex number

Wadar = Sum

Faraq = difference

Taran = Product

Qeyb = Quotient

Urur = Set

Hormo-urur = Subset

Hormo-urur quman = Proper subset

Dhextaal = Intersection

Isutag = Union

Duleedin = Complement

Aljebro = Aljebra

Doorsoome = Variable

Tibix = Term

Hawraar = Expression

Tibxaale = Polynomial

Heer = Degree

Hawraar lakab = Rational expression

Isirayn = Factorization

Isir = Factor

Isle’eg = Equation

Isle’eg toosan = Linear equation

Isle’eg wadajira = Simultaneous equation

Sunsun = Sequence

Dareerimo = Series

Faansaar = Function

Wanqar = Symmetry

Tikraar = Intercept

Made = Asymptote

Tiirada = Slope

Weydaar = Inverse

Qiime sugan = Absolute value

Xididshe = Radical

Saabley = Quadratic equation

Joomitiri Geomtry

Bar = Point

Xariiq = Line

Xagal = Angle

Fool = Bearing

Barbaro = Parallel

Qoton = Perpendicular

Sallax = Plane

Goobo = Circle

Gacan = Radius

Dhexroor/Dhexfur = Diameter

Qaanso = Arc

Fatuuq = Sector

Labojibaarane = Square

Dhinac = Side

Laydi = Rectangle

Dherer = Length

Balac = Width

Saddex-xagal = Triangle

Sal = base

Joog = Height

Gundho = Centroid

Barbaroole = Parallelogram

Koor = Trapezoid

Qardhaas = Rhombus

Gunbur = Pyramid

Toobin = Cone

Dhululubo = Cylinder

Gabal Toobineed = Conic section

Goobo = Circle

Saab = Parabola

Gees = Vertex

Jeedshe = Directrix

Kulmis = Focus

Qabaal = Ellipse

Kulmisyo = Foci

Dhidib weyne = Major axis

Dhidib yare = Minor axis

Labosaab = Hyperbola

Dhidib-wadaaje = Transverse axis

Dhidib-xisti = Conjugate axis

Taxaneyaal = Matrices

Taxane = Matrix

Jiiftax = Row

Joogtax = Colunm

Suge = Determinant

Leeb = Vector

Itimaal = Probability

Abnaqan = Factorial

Raaboqaad = Permutation

Racayn = Combination

Waqdhac = Event

Xigidda = Differentiation

Xad = Limit

Xigsin = Derivative

Lid-xigsin = antiderivative

Abyan = Integration

Abyane huban = Definite integral

@Prince of Hobyo @Prince Abubu @Prince of Lasanod @Boqor Geeljire252 @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Bahal @Amun @Canuck @Rooble @Adheer Warsame @666 @RedStar @XawoTako @RedStar @DiricLover @Dire Dewa's son @Merca @merka @Hemaal @Adolf-Hitler @kaneki @ethan bradberry @Kaleel @AbdiJohnson @Tramo @Knowthyself @LarryThePuntite @Adolf-Hitler @Madara x @MadNomad @Zuleikha @TheMadMullah @Armadillo @Assata Shakur @DuctTape @Netero @Steamdevolopment @XamarCade


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Thank you bro


I'm bookmarking this page


There's nothing more I hate than idiotic self haters who think because their Somali is shit the language itself


Jet life till my next life
Great thread bro! :salute:Are you fimiliar with These will be a great additional to the site. Let's pin this thread @Kaleel


Cultural revolution
Best thread ever. @Duke of Bohol sticky this so we can contribute.

The only way Somali language will survive this new technological age is if we make it scientific and complex. :wow1:

Anyone else interested in translating complex information rich high school/college textbooks into Somali? We can work together if you like.

Madara x

Sleep soundly
Best thread ever. @Duke of Bohol sticky this so we can contribute.

The only way Somali language will survive this new technological age is if we make it scientific and complex. :wow1:

Anyone else interested in translating complex information rich high school/college textbooks into Somali? We can work together if you like.

This thread needs to be a-sticky-thread forever.:fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand: :fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand::fittytousand:

Besides learning that there are Somali scripts such as the Osmania [Thanks to somali spot and its contributors].

This is probably the second greatest learning moment.:salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute:

I'm legit printing some of these books. :whoo: Valuable insight indeed:obama:
God Bless Muuse Xaaji Ismaacil 'Galal' AUN to this legend

His two books

  • The terminology and practice of Somali weather lore, astronomy, and astrology (1968)
  • Stars, seasons and weather in Somali pastoral traditions (1970)