Should you marry a mommy's boy? - ladies come on in


This reminds me of that one viral post on I think it was Twitter. Would you rather put your wife or your mother in the front seat?

(The answer is your wife)
I prefer the back seat tho. I tend to sleep in the car :deadrose:. I like the front during winters, since its near the heat
Most of the women who attack Somali men online have issues of finding a Somali man from the West. Believe me, they have a package that keeps Somali men away, so they resort to bashing Somali men online.
Mama's sons are good, not Mama's boys.

A man who honours and loves the women in his family is a good man. That's something to watch out for btw, how he treats his hooyo, sisters etc. However, a man who looks to his hooyo for every decision and has a meddling hooyo, is a disaster.
right. I don't like the two extremes of making a mil your enemy (I think you should respect your spouse's parents similar to how you would your own. like that front seat debate imo elders should always be given the option of shotgun out of respect) But mothers also need to allow their children's marriages space, just like they wouldn't have wanted their MIL in their home telling them what to do. You did your parenting, at some point you have to know when to let your kids be bari to you from a healthy distance.
right. I don't like the two extremes of making a mil your enemy (I think you should respect your spouse's parents similar to how you would your own. like that front seat debate imo elders should always be given the option of shotgun out of respect) But mothers also need to allow their children's marriages space, just like they wouldn't have wanted their MIL in their home telling them what to do. You did your parenting, at some point you have to know when to let your kids be bari to you from a healthy distance.

That's right sis, agreed, a mother in law is like your hooyo and deserves honour and love. But yeah, it's bizarre when you see meddling parents, it's like they're trying to live through their kids. I don't think this is common for Somalis thankfully!

