Rise in Fruity Faaraxs/Feminine Somali guys in the diaspora.

Actually our community of somali men are rageedi. We're not afflicted as much due to our culture. There are some lgbtq obviously, but we're not as bad as some communities
Yea honestly we’re not so bad compared to some communities.

Have yall ever been around Filipinos? I swear like over 50% of Filipino men I’ve come across were qomo lut it’s wild.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Wallahi. I was nodding my head and then he struck me with "Xalimo xayawaan" :deadpeter:

Thats ok. IF u want to get back at him- wear a Baati- and argue with him. U will win
Why are you guys giving a platform to a notorious Incel, who constantly degrades and dehumanizes Somali women on social media? He has an entire social media campaign dedicated to posting misogynistic, hate-filled, and sexist tirades towards Somali women.

He periodically degrades, harasses, and leaks private photos of Somali women. Why are you giving him further attention and coverage? Are you guys secret Incels? Fear Allah and stop giving that notorious Incel further coverage. Ilaahay ka cabso and take down this thread.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Why are you guys giving a platform to a notorious Incel, who constantly degrades and dehumanizes Somali women on social media? He has an entire social media campaign dedicated to posting misogynistic, hate-filled, and sexist tirades towards Somali women.

He periodically degrades, harasses, and leaks private photos of Somali women. Why are you giving him further attention and coverage? Are you guys secret Incels? Fear Allah and stop giving that notorious Incel further coverage. Ilaahay ka cabso and take down this thread.

Ma'am these are serious accusations. What photos did Holistic man leak? Give evidence for the courts to decipher.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Why are you guys giving a platform to a notorious Incel, who constantly degrades and dehumanizes Somali women on social media? He has an entire social media campaign dedicated to posting misogynistic, hate-filled, and sexist tirades towards Somali women.

He periodically degrades, harasses, and leaks private photos of Somali women. Why are you giving him further attention and coverage? Are you guys secret Incels? Fear Allah and stop giving that notorious Incel further coverage. Ilaahay ka cabso and take down this thread.
Holistic man hasn't done any of the things you have mentioned above. I would say you need to be careful slandering holistic man like that. And acccusing him of such things. Do you have proof?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Holistic man hasn't done any of the things you have mentioned above. I would say you need to be careful slandering holistic man like that. And acccusing him of such things. Do you have proof?

Do u know Holistic man personally huuno?


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
I was referring to the mosthatedsomali Twitter account not holistic man.
Ohh. As for that account I don't endorse nor support his posts. I was just scrolling on twitter and came across this particular post and though to share it.

I don't support his other posts and strongly condemn them if they are doing something against islamic teachings.
More fruity Faraxs = more Xalimos to wife for us straight Faraxs.. Btw that kid look like he was brought up by a singlemom hooyo who fed him foods that'll make a boy soft..


Somali Arab
Why are you guys giving a platform to a notorious Incel, who constantly degrades and dehumanizes Somali women on social media? He has an entire social media campaign dedicated to posting misogynistic, hate-filled, and sexist tirades towards Somali women.

He periodically degrades, harasses, and leaks private photos of Somali women. Why are you giving him further attention and coverage? Are you guys secret Incels? Fear Allah and stop giving that notorious Incel further coverage. Ilaahay ka cabso and take down this thread.
What’s more misogynist than khaniis niggas they hate women so much that they sleep with men instead


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
We have a huge problem with gang violence doing actual damage to are communities across the west but the fruity boys dancing on tiktok the biggest problem


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